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It depends on a few factors, like what state you live in and whether the police were called to do a report. If there is a report, the officer will have found someone At Fault, regardless of whether someone was ticketed. Your insurance company can also determine fault based on your state's laws and they way in which the accident occurred.

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Q: If there is an accident and neither party gets a ticket who is responsible for what?
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Can you be sued in an auto accident when neither vehicle was insured?

Yes, of course you can be sued for anything...The fact that neither vehicle wasn't insured does not obsolve the 'at fault' party from being responsible for the damage they caused to the 'innocent'.. (subject to state laws of course regarding recovery by an uninsured)

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It will not be possible to report an accident after 48 hours due to the accident. The opposite party cannot be held under the court of law to be responsible without specific evidence or before your legal claim rights.

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Probably not, as most policies only cover drivers not listed on the policy if they were given permission to drive. If you gave your unlicensed daughter permission to drive, then you can be issued a ticket. However, if the accident was not your daughter's fault, then the at fault party is responsible for the damage they caused to your vehicle, regardless if the other party was licensed or not.

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You may be responsible. If you serve alcohol to your guests (which you would if you were hosting a party) you can be arrested especially if there is a fatality. I've read about it happening.

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The term a "Texas divorce" means no-fault divorce. Which means neither party is responsible for the divorce, so no party is responsible for paying alimony.

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Both the driver and owner of vehicle are responsible. The injured party would sue you both.

Why is no fault ins good for the state?

It prevents lawsuits since neither party is held responsible.

Can car insurance companies charge the passenger for the drivers fault in an accident?

No. The person driving is the responsible party.

What are your rights after a auto accident?

Simply put, it is the at-fault party's responsibility to pay for the damage caused in an accident. If you live in a no-fault state, then you and your insurance company will pay for your own injuries, but the at-fault party is responsible for property damage.

Is the party who was at fault in the accident responsible for repairs to the vehicle of the other party in New Jersey?

In any state, if a driver is found at fault then he is responsible for the other car's repairs, either using his insurance company or out of pocket.

Who is responsible when there is a three car accident and the 3rd car only damages the 2nd car?

I believe whomever caused the accident is at fault, whether their car was damaged or not. * The evidence compiled in the accident investigation will determine the responsible party. To determine who is at fault in a vehicle accident investigators use a method referred to as "chain of causation" and begin the investigation with the vehicle that was last in motion. This does not necessarily mean that the driver of said vehicle is the one responsible for the accident. It is quite possible that the driver of the vehicle that was not damaged will be the one determined to be responsible for causing the accident.

If a pedestrian is found at fault for an accident involving a car can they be sued for an auto insurance deductible?

Yes, The at fault party is responsible.