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Yes. All registered drivers are required to hold liability insurance, which means that if they cause an accident, their insurance will pay for damages to the other peoples' cars. So, if the person does hold the required insurance, and is entirely At Fault, your damages will be covered.

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Q: If someone hits your car and you have no insurance will their insurance cover your car if they were totally at fault?
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If you have PLPD or no fault insurance and you hit someone from behind and their car is fine and yours is not will your car insurance cover it?

No. PL & PD cover injury and damage you do to other persons and their property. Collision and Comprehensive cover your vehicle.

If you were in an accident with no insurance and it was not your fault but the other car at fault has insurance and was issused a ticket will there insurance company pay you or the bank?

The at-fault party's insurance should cover your vehicle. EVEN THOUGH OUR INSURANCE HAD RUN OUT BY AMONTH?

What kind of auto insurance covers you for anything that's NOT your fault but does not cover when it IS your fault?

There is no such product

What is the difference between liability insurance and full coverage?

Liability insurance pays for someone else's damages if an accident is your fault but won't cover your vehicle. Full coverage provides liability insurance as above but will also cover your damages to your own vehicle in an accident regardless of whose at fault, as well as theft, fire, etc.

If someone is driving your vehicle which is covered with collision and has and accident and is at fault are you responsible for all damages and costs or will their insurance cover it?

== == == == Car insurance follows the car. If someone was injured they can go after the driver if they weren't the owner of the vehicle.

If someone hits your car and you have pl-pd insurance will their insurance cover your car if they were totally at fault?

Yes. eg: If you have pl/pd, the insurance won't pay for repairs for YOUR car if it is you fault, but they will pay the repairs for the other car There's the big problem of having only the required liability insurance. If you do not have comprehensive and collision, you may have to sue the at-fault driver to force his insurance carrier pay. If you have coverage of your own, you can file a claim with your agent and immediately collect the damages (less your deductible) and your company will sue his if necessary. If and when they win or receive a settlement, you will get your deductible back.

Does full coverage insurance cover damages to the other persons vehicle if you are at fault in a no fault state?

In this state, a no fault state, full coverage insurance covers the other vehicle if you are at fault.

If someone hits you and it is their fault will their insurance cover your damage if your license is suspended?

Yes. The fact that your license is suspended is NOT considered a contributing circumstance to an accident.

What does the insurance do when you are still paying on a truck and someone hits you and it gets totaled?

If the person who hit you is the one at fault in the accident, then their insurance should cover the cost of the damages to your truck. If they don't have insurance, or if they don't have enough to cover all of the costs, then yours should kick in and cover the balance if you have full coverage and not just liability insurance.

Does health insurance cover you in a DUI accident if its your fault?

It depends on what type of insurance policy you have. Some states have the "no-fault" insurance policies wherein the insured party may be compensated regardless of who is at fault in the accident.

What does collision auto insurance cover?

Covers medical expensives for you and passengers, will cover damages if other driver who is At Fault doesnt have insurance.

If you hit someone with no-fault insurance will your car be fixed?

The problem with no fault insurance is that fault is usually assigned thus making no fault insurance an incorrect statement. Your collision coverage is where you would make the claim in this situation.