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Yes... it would mean the child no longer meets the definition of "qualified dependent".

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Q: If someone got married would that affect them being on their parents insurance?
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If a person is driving their parents car under their parents' insurance and lets a friend borrow the car if the friend gets a ticket will the ticket affect the parents' or friend's insurance?

I believe the Parents insurance go up!

If I get a traffic violations does it affect someones insurance?

It can affect: 1. Your insurance premium (for your own vehicle, or your parents vehicle if you are on their policy. 2. Your employers insurance premium (if you drive for work) It will NOT affect: 1. Your friend's premium, unless you are scheduled as a driver on the policy

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No. As long as you were not involved in the accident then it shouldn't affect your driving record. You must also not be the owner of the vehicle that was involved in the claim.

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This would only affect the drivers DMV record. It would not impact the insurance or MVR of the owner of the vehicle.

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No. Speeding tickets are issued to the driver not the vehicle.

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No, the color of a car does not affect the cost of insurance.

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No, parking tickets do NOT affect your car insurance rate.

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A DUI will adversely affect your insurance regardless, but the degree of effectiveness depends on your history and your insurance company.

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