A DUI will adversely affect your insurance regardless, but the degree of effectiveness depends on your history and your insurance company.
Most insurance companies find out about DUIs and other tickets when they pull your driving record when your policy renews.
To get insurance in the state of Pennsylvania after having a DUI on your record is fairly hard. First, you will need to wait 4 months after receiving the DUI. I then suggest having a personal talk with your insurer.
Not if the DUI has been adjudicated. There may be a limit as to how long they can collect the fine, but in most cases, the state does not set a limit on fines associated with criminal activites.
As long as it's 49cc or under.
That is impossible to say. All you can do is shop around for the best rates. I would suggest that you don't drink and drive.
Specifically WHAT kind of criminal traffic offense? If it had to do with DUI of either alcohol or drugs, possibly. You will have to check with the PA state agency responsible for licensing nurses in that state.
A DUI attorney in Pennsylvania can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000. Costs are affected by where you live, whether this is your first DUI and the experience level of your lawyer.
If you have been issued a citation for DUI there is no statute of limitations. You have been informed of the charge and will not be surprised by it. The ticket does not go away.
You can go to dmv.com to search for insurance rate in PA
what is the statue of limitations on civil judgment as a result of DUI, including the this was filed 11 years ago and i was never notified of refiling
5 to 10 years