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It's not the owner of the vehicle's fault because if that person got in an accident there is nothing the owner could do. If this happened to you, the person borrowing should pay the bill.

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Q: If someone else is borrowing a vehicle that's not insured and have an accident and is at fault what happens?
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What happens when you drive someone car and get into an accident and that person don't have insurance?

You as the driver are responsible for any crash you cause in this case. If you were told the car was insured and can prove it you could sue the lender for reimbursement.

What happens if you drive someone else's car which has no insurance and you have no insurance and you get in an accident?

This is not good. The law specifically says, that, it is your responsibility to make sure that the vehicle you are about to drive is properly insured. Sorry to say, but there is no way out of it.

If someone is borrowing your insured boat are they covered under your policy?

yes, it should if they had your permission and your policy doesn't include any 'excluded' drivers or users

Stopped for driving someone else's vehilcle that was not insured but i am insured on my own cars what happens?

i believe youd be arrested for Grand Theft Auto

If someone who does not have insurance drives your car and gets in an accident is your car still insured for damage to other vehicles and yours?


How can you find someone's auto insurance policy?

You can't unless they tell you who they are insured with. Who a person is insured with or even if they have insurance is a private matter between the insured and the insurance company. Now, if there is an accident and the police come to the scene they will collect that information and put it in the accident report. This is why it is crucial to always call the police to the scene of the accident no matter how much the other person begs to give them a break. Always, always!!! call the police to the scene of an accident. The exception is if the accident is on private property.

What happens if someone without insurance gets into a car accident?

There are legal requirements that all drivers be insured- as well as licensed and carrying proper registration documents- separate from the driver"s license and of course obligatory license plates.

What happens if accident is your fault?

Well Someone will sue you and the insurance will do something about it!

What is the opposite of someone?

Borrowing someone?

Why is it important to get an event insurance coverage?

There are many reasons why someone would want to get event insurance coverage. In case someone has an accident or something during an event it is important to be insured.

You are driving a friends car but your car has insurance and his car has his insurance will you be covered?

Your are insured. I just called 3 agents. Progressive, Geico, and all-state. Again, every state is different. In Wisconsin, the insurance follows the car, so if you borrow someone's car, you are borrowing their insurance. This means that if you lend your car to someone, and they have an at-fault accident, your insurance will be primary (theirs is secondary), and it is likely your insurance rates that will be affected!

I am not insured and I have had a acciedent?

If the accident was your fault and someone else was involved their uninsured motorist insurance will pay for their damage. The bad news is that they WILL sue for the amount they had to pay out.