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There are legal requirements that all drivers be insured- as well as licensed and carrying proper registration documents- separate from the driver"s license and of course obligatory license plates.

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Q: What happens if someone without insurance gets into a car accident?
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depends on the insurance company

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If someone without a valid drivers license and without car insurance drives a car that is covered by car insurance, does that insurance pay for that uninsured driver if they have a accident?

What happens if you drive someone else's car with no insurance and get in an accident?

You are the one legally in the care, custody, and control of the vehicle and therefore are the one who will be cited for driving without insurance. This is just the beginning of your trouble though. If you were at fault, you are also responsible for the damages done in the accident which may include injuries and damages to the vehicle you hit.

What happens if you have no insurance and you were hit by someone with car insurance?

In ontario, The person that hits you's insurance has Accident benifits, and they will pay for your medical bills if they were at fault. But if you were drviing without insurance.. consider yourself screwed. Pretty much the same in most states in the U.S. If they were at fault their insurance may pay for your damages but you can still be fined for driving without coverage, license suspended or revoked etc.

Can someone file a claim on your car insurance if the accident wasn't reported to the police?

Sure. People can claim anything. The question is will your insurance pay the claim. Without a police report of the accident, you may be in for a lawsuit. Never ever, have an accident and fail to call the police.

Will my insurance pay for damages for drivers car without license?

When you allow someone to drive your car, you are giving them the coverage of your insurance. If they were to get into an accident, your policy would pay first.

What can someone do if they get into an accident with a vehicle they're still paying for with no car insurance?

The only thing you can do is pay for all your damages out of pocket. After all it was your decision to drive without insurance.

What happens if the car you borrowed was in a car accident and has no insurance accident happend in state of Washington?

You and the owner will be sued for damages, hopefully there were no injuries because if there are, your life as you now know it will be over. There is nothing more reckless than to drive a car without insurance....

What can one do if they are in a car accident and have no insurance?

It is never a good idea to drive without insurance as there are costly penalties if one is caught or involved in an accident. If one is in an accident without auto insurance, their options are limited but they may be able to sue the other driver if they are at fault.

Does your premium go up if someone without insurance had permission to drive your car and gets into an accident that was their fault in NJ?

Generally speaking, if your insurance has to pay out, then there probably will be an increase. Good luck.

Can I drive without vehicle insurance?

Yes, it is illegal to drive without insurance or without having sufficient insurance in Arizona. You will have 30 days to provide proof of insurance following an accident.

Driving without insurance in Florida and got into an accident?
