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Well for the accident it is the person who hit the underage driver. Also the under aged driver would also be in serious trouble; might be fined, might go to juvy. Although if the adult has a good lawyer he could argue it was the kids fault and that the kid was endangering him and the crash never would have happened had the kid not been diving. (i hope this isn't a true story...)

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Q: If an unlicensed driver is hit who is at fault?
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You got hit by unlicensed driver while making left turn on green arrow whose at fault?

The driver that hit you. Not knowing all the circumstances, the unlicensed driver would be at fault in the driving aspect, and in the fact that he/she should not have been on the road at all. Just a personal opinion

Is an unlicensed driver automatically at fault?

An unlicensed driver will probably get cited for not having a license and may even get their car impounded, but is not automatically at fault. The person that the police and insurance company determine caused the accident would be at fault.

If a license driver backs into an unlicensed driver who is at fault?

They both are. The logic being that the unlicensed driver shouldn't have been there in the first place, and would not have been involved in the accident if they'd been in compliance with the law.

What will happen if a unlicensed driver gets hit with another car?

As the driver is unlicensed it could be argued that they did not know how to behave on the road and therefore were the cause of the collision.

Can you sue an unlicensed driver if there are no injuries and it is the other driver's fault?

Yes, You can still sue for the property damage even if there were no injuries.

Who is at fault the driver who has no insurance no license and is an illegal immigrant or the one who rear-ended him?

In New Jersey it is the driver who rear ended him who is at fault. However, that does not mean that the illegal unlicensed driver will not face deportation.

Will the insurance company pay for the damages caused by their driver if the injured victim is driving unlicensed and the car has been totaled?

Let's see if I can follow this. Insurance company A is at fault because of actions caused by driver A. Driver B who is not at fault is injured, but is unlicensed, and Auto B has been totalled. Insurance company A is going to have to pay damages to Driver B for property damage as well as for injuries because Driver A is deemed at fault. The fact that Driver B is unlicensed is a non-moving violation and Driver B will have to pay a substantial fines for these issues.

Will your full coverage auto insurance cover if an unlicensed driver got into an accident with your car but was not at fault?


If an unlicensed driver gets into an accident but is not at fault who pays for damages?

You get to, accident would not have happened if you werent on the road!

If driver one may have ran a red light and hit driver two but driver two is unlicensed in the state of Texas who is at fault?

Both can be charged. Driver one: running a red light and colliding. Driver two: operating without a drivers license. (personal opinion: Driver one's insurance company is going to have to pay.)

What happens if a unlicensed driver hits you?

your policy, considering you are insured and licensed, will cover the incident, as long as YOU aren't at fault! Otherwise an at fault claim would appear on your record if ANY fault is determined on your part - regardless of the licensing status of the other driver.

Can a uninsured and unlicensed driver sue you for an accident?

Yes. It is the responsibility of the at-fault party to pay for the damage caused in an accident, regardless of the license or insurance status of the not at-fault party.