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It is always the responsibility of the vehicle entering a flow of traffic to yield to the oncoming traffic. The striking vehicle could be found to be At Fault but it would have to be an unusual circumstance.

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Q: If a person pulls out onto the highway and another car hits him toward the back not the rear end who's fault would it be?
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In Ontario parking lots are private property and do not fall under the highway traffic act. Given this Ontario also has whats called no-fault insurance, meaning if 2 people are in an accident in a parking lot, person 1's insurance covers person 1 and person 2's insurance covers person 2. If there are evidence who can mention who was in fault while accident happens, then only you can decide on this. But if your car hit another parked car or vice-verse then you should be in fault. When I face same problem, my insurance company Chola MS favored me as my car was parked in parking lot and someone rushed into my car.

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First, Are you the uninsured driver or the person who was rear-ended? It doesn't matter which party is asking, or that the highway was in Alabama either. The driver who rear-ends another car at a red light is at fault 99.9+ percent of the time. But the other driver cannot ORDER him to pay, unless he happens to also be the presiding judge who hears the lawsuit (maybe Alabama does matter, after all).

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Can someone who admits their mistakes be a narcissist?

A Narcissist NEVER makes any mistakes. It is always the fault of another person is done TO him not BY HIM so that he will look to be at fault.

What is a person called who is at fault?

A person who is at fault is commonly referred to as the "responsible party" or the "party at fault."

Who is at fault if you hit a car reversing out of your drive?

You are! For not being cautious when reversing on to a road. You should make sure that it is safe and clear when reversing, if you hit another car it is your fault and not the person that is driving on the roads fault.

If a car is on main highway and a car pulls out of a hidden driveway and hits the car on the highway whos fault is it?

The car that was in the hidden driveway.

Who is responsible if a driver hits a cow?

In my area the driver is at fault if he runs into, Cow Moose, Deer, Horse etc.The exception is if the animal on a Limited access highway (interstate or freeway) AND the animal is a domestic (farm) animal then the person allowing his livestock to stray is at fault.