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In Ontario parking lots are private property and do not fall under the highway traffic act. Given this Ontario also has whats called no-fault insurance, meaning if 2 people are in an accident in a parking lot, person 1's insurance covers person 1 and person 2's insurance covers person 2.

If there are evidence who can mention who was in fault while accident happens, then only you can decide on this. But if your car hit another parked car or vice-verse then you should be in fault. When I face same problem, my insurance company Chola MS favored me as my car was parked in parking lot and someone rushed into my car.

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Q: Who is at fault if someone hits another car in a parking lot?
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It really depends on the circumstances, I would contact your claims department for more information.

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This is not enough information to answer the question. If a car hits a parked vehicle then the moving vehicle would be at fault. If both vehicles are moving then the issue gets more complicating.

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Whoever the police report charges with the accident.

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The person who ran into you from behind of course because they should be stopping, or slowing down when you turn in the parking lot.

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The backing vehicle is at fault. We are always supposed to look to ensure the path is clear before placing our vehicle in motion.

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that person who hit you

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The person backing out. If you were in the lane/road behind them they needed to use caution when backing out.