If the tree was not dead already and clearly so then your insurance would pay for the damage to your house. A storm that causes the tree to fall is considered an "act of God" and the neighbor is therefore not responsible for the incident.
Barring some provable negligence, Nobody is liable for an act of nature. Your home insurance should provide coverage for a natural hazard such as this, Likewise if your tree fell on your neighbors house, the same would apply. The neighbors insurance would take car of the neighbors house.Depends on a lot of things. Generally, the tree is considered part of the land. Where it falls is who is initially responsible for the damages. From there, it gets legal depending on multiple factors.
your mother
If the tree was on your property then you are. If it was on theirs , then they are.
you are responsible for your property. with that being said if your tree grows out of control onto your neighbors property then you must pay for the removal and its damaged that is caused.
No. Mother Nature would be the "responsible" party. The homeowner is not "liable" for acts of nature.Your homeowners insurance is not responsible for a natural act that causes damage to property of another. Your neighbors fence is not listed as covered property on your Homeowners policy.If a tree falls on your neighbors property the neighbors insurance coverage would invoke, it does not matter where the tree came from. Likewise if a tree falls on your property due to a natural occurrence your own homeowners insurance policy would cover you.AnswerIf the tree was healthy and you had no complaints from your neighbor and a wind storm came up and blew it over you may have a nice enough neighbor that will share the cost of a new fence.AnswerAccording to my insurance agent, so long as there is no negligence on the part of the tree owner it is an "Act of Nature". Thus the fence owner would need to pay to make repairs if they want it fixed. My insurance covers me if my neighbor's tree falls on my house. I can't imagine the company paying for anything that they could make someone else pay for.
Mother Nature would be the "responsible" party. The homeowner is not "liable" for acts of nature. Your homeowners insurance is not responsible for a natural act that causes damage to property of another. Your neighbors car is not listed as covered property on your Homeowners policy. Your homeowners insurance would also not pay if the tree fell on your own automobile. If a tree falls on someones car they should file a loss claim with their Auto Insurance Company. If they have comprehensive coverage then it will take care of their loss.
It's up to the jugde.
You are not responsible nor liable for Acts of Nature. The windstorm coverage on your policy covers your home, not the neighbors. Your neighbors Homeowners Insurance Policy will cover his damages as stated in the terms of his Policy. It's no different than if his own tree fell on his house.
Nobody is liable for an act of nature. You are responsible for the portion of the tree that fell on your property. Your neighbor is responsible for the portion of the tree on the neighbors property.
Which government is responsible if a tree falls?
It depends on what made the tree fall. If the tree is dead, then the owner of the tree is liable. If a tornado caused it to blow over it is considered a natural act and no one is liable.