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Nobody is liable for an act of nature.

You are responsible for the portion of the tree that fell on your property.

Your neighbor is responsible for the portion of the tree on the neighbors property.

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Q: Who is responsible for tree removal if our neighbor's tree fell over from a wind storm but got hung up in our trees and is not on the ground?
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Who takes away trees that fall on homes after a storm?

Generally, the homeowner is responsible for hiring a tree removal company to remove trees that fall on their property. Some damage is covered by homeowner's insurance.Generally, the homeowner is responsible for hiring a tree removal company to remove trees that fall on their property. Some damage is covered by homeowner's insurance.Generally, the homeowner is responsible for hiring a tree removal company to remove trees that fall on their property. Some damage is covered by homeowner's insurance.Generally, the homeowner is responsible for hiring a tree removal company to remove trees that fall on their property. Some damage is covered by homeowner's insurance.

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Will tree removal be covered by wind storm insurance?


What does catastrophe wind storm coverage for homeowners insurance mean My tree fell on neighbors house about 60mph winds is that considered catastrophe windstorm coverage?

You are not responsible nor liable for Acts of Nature. The windstorm coverage on your policy covers your home, not the neighbors. Your neighbors Homeowners Insurance Policy will cover his damages as stated in the terms of his Policy. It's no different than if his own tree fell on his house.

Who is responsible for cleanup of a tree that fell in a storm?

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Who is responsible for repairing a common fence that was damaged during a wind storm by a fallen tree?

Both property owners are typically responsible for repairing a common fence. They may share the cost of repair and work together to coordinate the repair process. It's usually best to communicate and come to an agreement on how to handle the situation.

Neighbours use in sentence?

We have great neighbors who helped us clean up after the storm went through.