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It really depends how often you do this. Usually a regular personal policy should cover this. Just make sure the all people in your household are listed.

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Q: If I pay someone to drive me on errands in my private vehicle what type of auto insurance do I need?
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What if someone hits you and its not his car and there are no insurance on the vehicle?

His liability insurance on his car should transfer to the vehicle that he is driving.

If you let someone ride your motorcycle and he crashed it do you file a claim with his insurance or your own for the repairs?

insurance follows the vehicle, not the driver. If you loan your vehicle to someone, you assume the risk of them having an accident. Only if there is no insurance on the vehicle would the driver's insurance become effective for the loss of a vehicle not owned by him.

Who is at fault if someone enters your private driveway and hits your vehicle while you are backing out?

It is the persons fault for entering your private driveway.Another View: If the collision occurred on private property, the insurance companies of both cars will be involved. As a general rule, the driver of the backing vehicle bears the responsbibility for making sure that he can safely proceed in reverse.

Can your employer ask for your vehicle insurance to drive their vehicle?

Your personal auto coverage will not cover their vehicles. What they are probably asking for is to make sure you have coverage in case you drive your vehicle on errands or such for the company. If you go to the post office to get the company mail your personal auto insurance will be the primary insurance and then if they have an endorsement to their insurance called "hired and non-owned auto" it will provide secondary coverage over and above your coverage to protect them in case of an accident. Their coverage insists that you as the employee have primary insurance on your vehicle. Also note that the company insurance will not pay for damage to your vehicle.

Who pays when there is an accident involving a vehicle that is insured by someone other than the owner of the vehicle?

Insurance stays with the vehicle, barring any policly exclusions to the contrary, the insurance that covers the vehicle covers that vehicles actions. If you allow someone to drive your vehicle and they have an accident that is their fault your insurance will be the one that takes care of the damages.

Will liability insurance cover damage to a person's vehicle caused by someone else?

NO, liability covers damage you do to someone else's property. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle by someone else. If you have no comprehensive, then you will need to look to their insurance for recovery of damages.

Does a farm vehicle need insurance in Florida?

Farm Vehicles being operated on private property do not need liability Insurance. Only if you take the vehicle onto a public road, you will need the insurance required by law.

Can an unlicensed driver operate a vehicle on private property with the owners consent?

Unlicensed drivers cannot operate a vehicle on private property. The insurance for the vehicle will not allow unlicensed drivers. Most states require every vehicle in operation to be insured.

If you own a vehicle can someone else insurance it?

yes, in Minnesota you can

If a spouse dies in Texas with no insurance what happens to vehicle?

Wether it has insurance or not is a moot point. The vehicle is generally part of the estate and is inherited by someone.

Where can someone compare the premiums for different companies vehicle insurance?

Someone is able to compare the premiums for different vehicle insurance companies at a company called Progressive, where one is able to compare other top car insurance rates.

If a car owner has full coverage on their vehicle including uninsured motorist can they allow someone without any insurance to drive the vehicle?

It is my understanding from my insurance company that if I "give permission" for someone to drive my vehicle and I have full coverage then my vehicle is covered. Recommend you ask your insurance carrier this question, they will be happy to give you an answer regarding your policy.