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His liability insurance on his car should transfer to the vehicle that he is driving.

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Q: What if someone hits you and its not his car and there are no insurance on the vehicle?
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If someone hits your parked car and you call your insurance will your rates go up or will their insurance take care of everything?

If your car is parked and someone hits it, your rates should not go up. The other car's insurance company should take care of everything, even if you have the same insurance company. You are entitled to have your vehicle repaired following an accident that was caused by someone else.

If your car is parked in a driveway and you have no insurance and someone hits it?

If someone hits a parked car then they are automatically liable.

Whose insurance pays when someone else hits your car?

If the other party was clearly at fault in hitting your vehicle then their insurance will pay for the damage to your vehicle. The key is that it is their fault. The way you word the question you don't state that they were at fault but that they hit your car. If it is determined that they were at fault then their insurance pays, if you were at fault then your insurance pays.

If someone is driving your vehicle which is covered with collision and has and accident and is at fault are you responsible for all damages and costs or will their insurance cover it?

== == == == Car insurance follows the car. If someone was injured they can go after the driver if they weren't the owner of the vehicle.

What happens if the person that hits you is covered in another state?

Nothing happens if a person that hits someone in their vehicle and their insurance is covered through another state than the accident happened at. Car insurance companies will pay for damages no matter where they happen at.

If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

If a car is insured in the state of Georgia under someone your boyfriend knows then can you drive the car if you aren't on the insurance?

Usually the insurance on the vehicle covers any driver who has the permission of the owner of the vehicle to drive the car.

Do you need car insurance if you don't own a car?

The answer to your question is no,unless your driving someone elses car at anytime,then you must be insured for that vehicle and that vehicle only..

If you only have liability insurance and someone hits your car and leaves should your insurance cover the damages done to your car?

No. Physical Damage coverage to your own vehicle would be covered in this instance if you purchased the coverage, but liability only would not repair the damages.

If someone hits your car and you get insurance money do you have to fix the car?

No. You can spend the money on whatever you desire.

What happens if you wreck someone elses car but you have your own insurance?

Car insurance is just that: insurance for the car. When a contract between the insured and the insurance company is purchased, it is based on the driver and the vehicle. If the driver takes someone else's vehicle, the insurance is only for the original car. There would be no pay out for someone else's car. Example: Driver A buys insurance for Vehicle A valued at $5,000. Driver A uses Vehicle B that is valued at $35,000. The insurance cost is obviously not the same therefore the coverage is not there. In the event of bodily injury, coverage up to the agreed limits are there. Remember, health insurance does not cover care and or treatment due to a vehicular accident. I hope this helps clarify the questions.

What happens if someone hits your car with no insurance but you got no fault insurance?

you pay alot of money stupid