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Q: I was stationery when I was hit who is at fault?
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Who is at fault when car parked in the middle of a court is hit?

Generally the one moving as The expectation is that the driver of a moving vehicle is in control of that vehicle and can safely stop before hitting a stationery object.

Do it depend on where you hit someone when backing up to determine who's at fault?

Yes i think that if you are hit in the foot its their fault if you are hit in the stomach, its your fault.

If you are backing into a parking space and you are hit by the drivers side door to the rear wheel who is at fault?

Well if you were backing in and hit someone then it is your fault. But if they hit you, then it is their fault.

Who is at fault when a moving car is hit by a car backing out?

If you are in reverse and hit anything, moving or not, you are at fault.

Who is at fault when a car is hit from behind?

If you are hit from behind it is usually always the guy that hit you that is at fault unless you were in reverse backing up

Who is at fault if you hit a car that is blocking you from driving forward out of a parking spot?

Yours. If it was stationary and you hit it then it was your fault.

If a car pulls out of a turning in front of you and you hit him when he is stationary who is at fault?

If he was truly stationary and you hit him, you are probably at fault. If he was illegally going through the turn, he might be at fault.

Why is stationery called stationery?

That's because there r 2 types of stationery. 1.Stationary means standing still 2.Stationery means pencils pens etc. So that's why stationery is called stationery

If you are backing out of a parking spot and hit a unoccupied vehicle- who is at fault?

You are at fault.

Who is at fault when the car behind you hits another car thinking that you are going to hit them as you reverse Incidentally I did not hit their car?

It is their fault.

Who is at fault if I hit a vehicle pulling another vehicle out of the ditch?

If you hit another vehicle then you are at fault. It does not matter what you were doing at the time.

What happens if you are hit from behind in a no fault state?

Typically the person who hit you pays. If they don't have insurance, your no fault insurance will pay for it.