That's because there r 2 types of stationery.
1.Stationary means standing still
2.Stationery means pencils pens etc.
So that's why stationery is called stationery
Pre-printed stationery for business correspondence is called a letterhead.
The stationery arm of a sundial is called the "gnomon." It is the part that casts a shadow onto the dial face to indicate the time.
The tv satellites orbit called is a geo stationery.
It's by a singer called Do, the song's called 'on my shoulders'
I do not know what it is called but some shops that sell stationary are paper skyscraper
the homophone for stationery is stationary
Corporate stationery is stationery that is made for a specific corporation. A corporation may have stationery such as envelopes, letterheads, and presentation covers created for them.
go to stationery and themeThis window can be accessed through the path File > Options > Mail > Stationery and Fonts > Signatures and Stationery > Theme or Stationery