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Q: I have two car insurances if I have an accident with one car do you have to report it to the other insurance?
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If you are in a major accident and the other driver is at fault can you get part of the money right away?

depends on your insurance. Some insurances allow you to go trough them and they cut you a check for the damage minus your deductible, other insurances make you go trough the other person's insurance and it's a waiting game.

If you were at fault for a minor accident and police report was filed will the insurance companies find out and increase premiums even if both sides agreed not to notify their insurances companies?

I rear ended someone and totaled her car, she was taken to the hospitaland my insurance did not change. I do have a driving record with no other blemishes.

Is Aflac Insurance comparable to other insurances?

Aflac is very comparable with other insurances. Alfac, Geico and Progressive are the leaders in car, home and life insurances. Aflac also provides motorcycle insurance.

If you are involved in an accident and have auto liability insurance and the other driver does not what are your rights?

Liability insurance for drivers is a requirement in the state of Mississippi. The other party involved in this accident does not have insurance. I do have liability insurance. The accident was not reported although law enforcement was called and an accident report was completed. The other party now wants me to fix her automobile. What are my rights in this situation?

Someone hit you an Neither I or other driver has insurance on our car who is at fault?

Who is at fault has to do with the accident itself not the insurance coverage. A police report of the accident and looking at the proximate cause of the accident help determine fault.

What if the other party does not report the car accident?

If you know the information, or as much information as you can get, about the other driver, furnish that to the police and/or your insurance carrier when you file your own report.

If you have an accident other party admits fault no police report your insurance was lapsed will the other insurance cover your loss?

As long as the other carrier has accepted liability, they will owe for your damages whether you have insurance or not.

What kind of insurance is tax deductible?

Insurance for one's personal property such as auto or homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Other tax deductible insurances are medical and dental insurances.

What if the driver at fault will not call their insurance company to report the accident?

If the other party is refusing to call their insurance company - then you should call their insurance company and file the claim.

Do you have to call your insurance company if your car was not at fault?

The terms of your Insurance Contract always require that you report an accident regardless of fault. This is because even though you do not consider yourself to be at fault, the other driver may report the accident to them anyway. Better to be safe than sorry.

How do you file a insurance claim against the party that was at fault in an accident that occurred in a parking lot Without involving my insurance company.?

Just file a claim with the other parties insurance company. You called the police and got an accident report, right?

If a police report says its your fault for a car accident can your insurance fight it?

Can they fight it for you? No. Can the try to bargain with the other insurance company on how much they are willing to pay? Yes.