

How often do you pay your car insurance?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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When applying for auto insurance, the applicant is usually given options as to the frequency of payment of premiums. It can be monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually. Frequently, somewhat of a discount is offered for the longer payment durations, as the insurer incurs lower internal costs, such as for billing.

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To the insurance company.

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if he is not on your insurance he is required to have his own insurance otherwise he is driving your car without insurance with or without your permission illegally so no it will be the get out clause the insurance company will use not to pay out and why should they pay for someone who has not paid for there services

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If you have full coverage on your car, then your insurance should pay. But if all you have is liability insurance, then no, it won't pay to fix your car. But there is a chance that your uninsured motorists coverage will pay for the damages, if you have it.

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Unfortunately, no. What gap coverage does is pay the balance on your car loan if your car is totaled and the insurance payment is not enough to pay off the balance of your loan. Quite often our vehicles depreciate faster than we can pay them off. Insurance only pays the depreciated (blue book) value, so sometimes what you will get from your insusrance company doesn't pay off the loan.

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What do you pay for car insurance?

While I do not live in Maine (I live in Florida) I pay $63 a month for car insurance on a Chrysler. Florida has pretty low insurance rates.

What if you hit a car and there is no damage to your car?

The insurance will pay for the car you hit.