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It's normally 2 years in the UK.

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Q: How long do no claims bonus stay active after a car insurance policy is cancelled?
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What does it mean when you see the word inforce in the box on insurance form where it normally says active inactive or cancelled?

In force in auto insurance terms means that a policy is in place or active. So, seeing that in that box typically means the same as active.

How can you get car insurance after your policy is cancelled?

Simple. You just buy a new policy.

Are your insurance policy active?

You would need to contact your insurance company and ask them if your policy is still active.

How do you find out if a cancelled policy has equity in it?

You call customer service of the insurance company and ask. But if the policy is cancelled, it is very likely there is no value to it.

What is the auto insurance claims frequency?

Claims FrequencyIt refers to how often cliams are filed against your insurance policy. Frequent claims activity can result in cancellation or non renewal of your policy.

Can you cancel a policy that has lapsed?

If thee policy has already lapsed, there is no active policy to cancel. It means that it is already cancelled.

Is a cancelled life insurance policy reinstatable?

In Short - NO. However it is entirly depands on the individual policy contract. as a thumb rule - cancelled life insurance policy is not reinstatable. Regards, Tarun Bansal Life Insurance Advisor LIC of India - Delhi

Can a home insurance policy be cancelled for non payment?

Yes. Non Payment of premium can cause a cancellation or non renewal of an insurance policy.

How can you find out if a banner life universal insurance policy is still active?

Just call Banner life and ask someone in either Claims or Customer Service.

When an insurance policy is cancelled inception date was any insurance ever provided under the contract?

I would need to know why the policy was cancelled back to inception. Sometimes this is called "flat" cancellation and it is extremely rare. Could you tell me why the insurer cancelled back to inception?

What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

Can you get a new health insurance policy if your previous one was cancelled for non payment?
