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In force in auto insurance terms means that a policy is in place or active. So, seeing that in that box typically means the same as active.

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Q: What does it mean when you see the word inforce in the box on insurance form where it normally says active inactive or cancelled?
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Related questions

What does value of inforce mean?

The value of inforce refers to the present value of all future cash flows expected from the existing insurance policies held by an insurance company. It helps assess the financial health and stability of the company by estimating the potential income from premiums and policy payments.

United Insurance Company of America?

I am trying to contact United Insurance Company of America concerning a whole life policy with an inception date of 1965 and that was inforce a month after the named insured passed.

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If you owned the policy issued by the Hartford, simply contact that company for a copy of it. If they are unable to find any record in their database, then you're out of luck and the policy is likely not inforce.

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If she is still living, it is doubtful the insurance company will release any information to you due to privacy concerns beyond telling you whether it exists and if its still inforce. If she has died, contact their Claims Dept.

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law inforce

Did any other insurance company take over inforce policies from University Life Insurance Company of America when they were liquidated in 1987?

If a company was liquidated and there were in force policies at the time, they can still be paid by your state's Life Insurance Guaranty Association, which is a group that pays claims for insolvent companies and then assesses the costs to all other life insurers in that state. You can contact your state's insurance Department to find out how to reach the Guaranty Association.

What is the statute of limitations to file a claim if an insurance company refuses to pay the benificiary of a life insurance policy?

Was all the requested information provided to the insurance company? Legally, they must have certain information to process the claim. Was the policy still inforce? Families often find a copy of an insurance policy and assume this means the policy was inforce at the time of death...............all too often it isn't. Was it more than 7 years ago? If so, and they were unable to locate a beneficiary, they are required to escheat the funds to the State Treasurer's office of whatever State the Home Office is located in. You will have to contact them if that's the case. Otherwise, unless you're leaving some important information out of your question, the claim should be paid. As long as all the claim criteria is met, there is no statue of limitations. == ==

Besides bombs what is another job that a police robot does?

they inforce the traffic laws and other things

Can the court alter the terms of an insurance policy through awarding claims excluded in the policy?

The court can make any judgment they wish in regards to a claim regardless to what is covered by the insurance companies policy. What happens is the individual policy holder is now on the hook for the damages that the insurance company is not going to cover. The terms of the policy would be inforce unless a court of authority finds the insurance company was negligent in it's exclusion of specific terms in the policy. So basicly the insured person who was covered by the policy is out of pocket the amount of the awarded claim regardles of the insurance company covering that exclusion or not.

How did Sumerian culture influence later people?

by passing it on and trying to inforce the rules and punishments they showed and teached