as fast as you can make it go
or if you get pulled along by a car on 1 you can go as fast as the car can go
There is no stopping a Wave Board when it reaches a certain speed. It's called committing suicide if u try to stop on a Wave Board when you are atleast 20 miles per hour.
u have to go fast use the silver board and the wave will die down
Stand on it
The surfers use the wave by balancing on there board and letting the motion that the wave creates push them and there board. The board only floats because it is filled of oxygen, Oxygen which doesn't sink or submerge. The board can be waxed for added grip or so the water does not sit and puddle on the board, instead it is dispersed and drawn off the board. The surfers use the wave by balancing on there board and letting the motion that the wave creates push them and there board. The board only floats because it is filled of oxygen, Oxygen which doesn't sink or submerge. The board can be waxed for added grip or so the water does not sit and puddle on the board, instead it is dispersed and drawn off the board. By: Steve (AKA) -=[Soul]=-
the internet
Target and Sears
about $100?
a p wave (primary wave) is super fast and it can go through the entire earth whereas an s wave ( a secondary wave) is slower and can only go through the solid parts of the earth ( like the crust, ect.)
The principle use of a wave board is for street surfing. The board is a sort of hybrid cross between a snowboard, a skateboard and a surfboard. It is very versatile and has a wide range of motion.
Wave speed examples are how fast a wave goes past a certain point.
One factor of course would be how fast the wave is moving.