You can contact them and sometimes you can work out a deal with them. If not, you can allow them to repossess the car. Contact the lender and they will tell you where to take the car.
The lender files a WRIT of REPLEVIN and the sheriff goes out and gets the car. IF the lender has a lien on the truck,ect. All that legal stuff. LOL
No, you don't have to tell them. Try to make up the payments though. If the lender gets a court order, a "writ of replevin," then you have to tell the sheriff's officer where the car is when he comes to the door.
The DEALERSHIP won't repossess the car, but the lender might if you don't make the monthly payments as scheduled.
IF the lender accepts it you can.
Yes, you made a financial pbligation by signing the documents for the sale of this car. So, they can legally repossess that vehicle.
The lender will eventually repossess the car.
The lender has to get the STAY lifted before they can repo.
yes because they have to notify the owner
As long as you are in DEFAULT of the contract, the lender can repo the collateral.
The company repossessing the car has no authority to negotiate terms with you. They are simply there to repossess the car. You must negotiate with your lender. Hopefully, you will do this before the the repossession order is submitted by the lender.