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There is no such thing as a comprehensive homeowners policy. What you are probably thinking of is a HO policy or Homeowners policy. Their are 2 common policy's sold that are homeowners. One is an HO-3 and the other is an HO-5. These policy's provide a wide range of coverages compared to just a DP-1 or DP-3 policy. DP is a dwelling fire policy. This provides just very basic perils on a policy. Pretty much it just covers wind, fire, weather, and a few other basic things.


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What does comprehensive car insurance include?

A Comprehensive car insurance policy includes the following: Damages Due to Accidents: If your car will witness any damage due to an accident, nothing to worry about as a comprehensive car insurance policy got you covered. Third Party Losses: In an unfortunate event of third party loss related to person, vehicle or property, your comprehensive policy will take care of the legal and financial liabilities. Car Thefts: In case your car is stolen, your comprehensive car insurance policy will look after the same. Damages Due to Natural/Man-made Disaster: When flood, hurricane, hail storm, tornado, riots, etc attack your car, your comprehensive car insurance policy comes handy. Damages Caused in Fire: If your car catches fire, your comprehensive car policy will pay for the damages.

Is fire damage covered by insurance?

Yes. Comprehensive Car Insurance and Standalone Own Damage Car Policy, both offer coverage against fire. However, it is advisable to opt for Comprehensive Car Insurance as this policy offers complete protection to your car. It covers damages not only against fire but natural/man-made disasters, theft, third-party liabilities, own damages, etc.

If you have comprehensive insurance and your car was totally lost in a fire will the insurance cover the items inside IE GPS ipod that was lost?

The answer is in your particular policy, but if it does not your renters or homeowners policy may cover those items.

Will geico pay for car damages struck by a lightning?

Geico typically covers car damages caused by lightning under comprehensive coverage, assuming you have this coverage on your policy. Comprehensive coverage protects against non-collision events, such as fire, theft, vandalism, and natural disasters like lightning strikes. It's recommended to check your policy details or contact Geico to confirm coverage.

What type of policy has a corridor deductible?

Major medical policy comprehensive

Does homeowners insurance cover damage of your car in a house fire?

no motor vehicles are excluded - it would be covered under your auto policy provided you have comprehensive coverage.

Your Car caught Fire what will your insurance cover?

If you have Comprehensive Coverage on your Auto Insurance policy, you will be covered. They will either repair the vehicle or compensate you for the loss of the vehicle if it is not repairable.

What country did the householders comprehensive policy?


What country was the householders comprehensive policy?


When is a car comprehensively insured?

Comprehensive is a type of coverage you can add to an automobile policy. Comprehensive coverage is a physical damage coverage that includes damage to your vehicle that is not included in collision coverage. Collision coverage is damage done when you hit something or turn the vehicle over. Comprehensive includes fire, theft, vandalism, and animal collision. You can have comprehensive without collision but not collision without comprehensive.

What is standard fire policy?

A fire Insurance Policy is Fire Insurance for the covered property indicated on the policy.

What country was householder comprehensive policy originated?
