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Major medical policy comprehensive

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Q: What type of policy has a corridor deductible?
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Do you have to pay deductible if it was vandalism?

Whether you have to pay a deductible for vandalism on your insurance policy depends on the terms of your specific policy. Some policies have a separate deductible for vandalism, while others may waive the deductible for this type of claim. Check your policy documents or contact your insurance provider to determine if a deductible applies in your situation.

Who is the deductible paid by?

The deductible in a person's health insurance policy is paid by the owner of the policy. This means that the person who purchases the policy is responsible for the deductible fees.

How does your deductible work in home insurance?

The amount of a policy deductible on a homeowners insurance policy is chosen by the policyholder. Your policy deductible is the amount you are responsible for paying before the insurance company will payout for a claim. If you experience a loss to your dwelling or your personal property, your homeowners insurance policy deductible applies. The deductible does not apply to other coverages on the policy. If you experience a loss under your deductible, you will not be eligible for a payout. If your loss exceeds your deductible, your deductible will be deducted from your claims payout check.

Do you have to pay the deductible if you hit another car?

If your policy contains a Deductible clause then yes you will have to pay your deductible.

Is your deductible waived on a comprehensive claim?

What? Why would it be? The comprehensive deductible is your retained limit of an occurance so unless you have a policy with a diminishing deductible or some other policy benefit that would waive a deductible it applies to each and every claim.

Is there a deductible for tire vandalism with full coverage?

Yes, Your comprehensive deductible on your auto insurance policy applies.

What coverage can a condominium owner buy to offset the master policy deductible?

Work with your broker to determine your deductible exposure under the master policy, and inquire as to whether or not you can include this coverage in your HO-6 policy.

Which type of deductible requires a new deductible for each separate claim?

Straight Deductible

What usually happens to the amount of the premium if the deductible is lower compared to a policy with a higher deductible?

The premium will generally increase.

How much can I expect to save on a high deductible insurance policy over a low deductible policy?

On average you can expect to save about 15%. Keep in mind your driving record will influence your rates.

What is the difference between deductible and premium?

The premium is what you pay for the policy. The deductible is what the insurance company will not pay for what is covered. For example you buy a car policy for collision. You pay the premium of $50. If you crash the car, the company will not pay any thing less than the deductible. If the deductible was $1000 and you sustained $1500 damage, the company would pay you $500. If the damage was less than the deductible, you get nothing.

What must be paid each year by the policy holder before the insurance policy benefits begin?
