You take hold of the key and pull towards yourself. If you turned the key, turn it back the original way you turned it then pull towards yourself
pull it out
Then your car won't let you pull the key out. . . Why do you want to do something like that?
Disconnect the battery.
grab the end of the key sticking out and pull straight back.
If you take your key an press firmly on the Saab emblem while at the same time pull on the very top of the key, the metal key will pull out an u can unlock the doors or truck if need, the car will start with a dead battery in the remote key
It is basically just a normal car key but the car senses when you Are near and unlocks when you pull the handle
sounds like you need a new ignition switch
If the key is stuck in the ignition of your Cobalt, try wiggling the steering wheel back and forth while gently turning the key. This may help release the steering column lock and allow you to remove the key. If that doesn't work, you may need to consult a mechanic for assistance.
on an older car you put the key on accessery, push a needle in the little hole in the cylinder then turn the key to the left and pull on the key
the key switch in the steering column has gone bad and has a part inside of it that is probably broke.
Your remote key has a internal door lock key, just pull back the slot and pull out the key, its explanied in your manual
Open the door with your key and pull the bonnet release.