The fuel pump relay is under the hood, on drivers side fenderwell in a plastic holder with the eec diagnostic data link.
where is the fuel pump relay located on a 1987 ford ltd crown Victoria
The 1987 Ford Crown Victoria fuel pump relay switch can be found on the firewall in the engine compartment. The relay switch will be on the drivers side of the firewall.
check to see if the fuse is bad
I believe it is 19 gallons ( U.S. ) front tank on your 1987 F150 long bed
Where is the location of the fuel pump relay in the 1997 Ford F150.
give up youll never find it here on the net i didnt
The fuel pump relay on a 1987 Ford Ranger is located under the dashboard near the steering column. It is typically mounted right near the firewall.
bad fuel pump bad fuel pump
Under the hood, each truck year is different but it is in a black box, must of the time it is on the passangers side. and it will be maked on top fuel relay.
where is the fuel pump rely on a 2005 f150 with a 5.4
Check the fuse and the fuel pump relay. I changed the fuel relay and the fuse is ok