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I have never had a fast payout with them.

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Q: Does state farm insurance pay out quickly?
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How much do you pay for your insurance policy?

Based on my situation, as a part time driver with my mom, dad, and sister for state farm insurance, I pay around $400 every 6 months for liability insurance.

What are some companies that offer cheap motorbike insurance?

Companies that offer motorbike insurance include Progressive, All State, and State Farm, among others. The price you will pay really depends on your individual situation.

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do you have to pay taxes on medical insurance in the state of Washington

Who is the best provider of life insurance?

The best provider of life insurance is one that gives you good service for what you pay them. A few companies to look into are: New York Life, Mass Mutual, State Farm.

Does state farm pay me as the policy holder for medical if i hit a tree?

They will pay the provider of medical care who bills them for the medical care provided. Your health insurance will not pay any amounts until they have proof that your medical insurance on your auto policy has paid and been exhausted. Also, it is illegal to double collect for any costs relating to any kind of insurance except for life insurance.

If you are the driver of a friends car involved in an accident are you covered under your insurance or the owners insurance?

depends on the company and the details of the accident. most commonly the owner of the vehicles' insurance will pay the claim and then subrogate (recover money paid out) against the drivers insurance company. for example, let's say you have state farm and i have allstate. you are borrowing my car and get into an at fault accident that cause $10,000 in damages. allstate will go ahead and pay the $10,000 to the other party. once that is done allstate will basically send a bill to state farm for the $10,000 they paid out.

Can you pay your All State Insurance bill online?

All State Insurance does have the capability to pay your insurance online. They can set up automatic draft or a one time payment.

How is American Commerce Insurance company rated with Best?

A+ (superior), The AM Best's highest rating is A++ (superior). As an example State Farm is A++ with some of their sub companies, but A+ on others. This is a mall company in comparison, however. State Farm will pay out 1.25 billion to their 'Mutual Company' policyholders. In comparison American Commerce Insurance Company has about 1.5 billion in total assets.

What insurance company I Florida has the best liability policy for only three month?

Progressive, State Farm, Geico and a lot of little insurance companies will provide you with what you need. You have to pay the first amount up front, then they usually bill you after that.

Which company provides the best term life insurance?

"State Farm has, by far, the best term life insurance that I have ever seen. Their premiums are low, they don't require an exam, eventually your dividends pay your premiums, and the payout is very quick."

Classic car insurance?

Hagerty is the first one that comes to mind. However, your local, current agent such as State farm, has a stated value option. You can pre-state a value, pay the premium, and it will be covered for the agreed upon amount.