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take your title to courthouse and get new tags, here where I live if it's not been expired long they will just reregister it and give you and updates sticker

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Q: How do you license your car after the plates have died?
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Did you remember to remove the license plates when you sold your car?

It is important to remove the license plates when selling a car.

What happens to license plates when a car is sold?

When a car is sold, the license plates typically stay with the car and are transferred to the new owner.

Have you ever sold your car with license plates on?

It is not recommended to sell a car with license plates on it. It is important to remove the license plates before selling the car to avoid any potential legal or security issues.

Can you get plates for your car with out a license?


Does your car license plates need to be the same as your drivers license?


Who pays fine for expired license plates in Indiana?

The owner of the car must pay for the license plates fines. It is illegal to drive with expired license plates.


To drive it you have to have license plates or you could get pulled over or something like that

Should you take off your license plates when you sell your car?

In illinois, what is the law concerning license plates taken off your car that you sold privately?

Do you remove license plates when selling a car?

Yes, it is recommended to remove license plates when selling a car to prevent any potential issues or liabilities.

Should you remove license plates when selling a car?

Yes, it is recommended to remove license plates when selling a car to protect your personal information and prevent any potential misuse of the plates.

Should I remove my license plates when selling my car?

Yes, it is recommended to remove your license plates when selling your car to prevent any potential issues or liabilities.

Where can one find a license plate number?

License plate numbers are found on license plates. License plates are commonly found on the front and back fenders of a car. They can be found on the trunk of certain car models as well.