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You call them up, fax them or write them a letter and cancel your policy let them know the date you want it cancelled and don't pay beyond that date.

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Q: How do you cancel a auto policy with allstate?
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Related questions

Can a person cancel an auto insurance policy via email?

Yes, Allstate allows this via email. I was told to include the policy number as well as the effective date for the cancellation.

Can your insurance company cancel auto coverage after you had an accident?

If you have an accident in the first 60 days of your policy,, Yes They can cancel your policy

Can a person cancel an auto insurance policy at any time from the date the policy is effective?

Yes. You can cancel at any time

What discounts are available for the Allstate Auto Insurance?

There are many discounts available for customers of Allstate Auto Insurance. They offer discounts to drivers who have a safe driving record. If one renews their policy prior to the expiration date, Allstate will offer an early renewal bonus.

Can an auto insurance company cancel your policy after reviewing your credit report?

They usually can't cancel a policy due to credit. The rates can go WAY up though!

Can Allstate cancel your homeowners insurance because the foundation of your dwelling is not continuous?

Yes, If the condition of your home or any of it's pertinent structures does not meet the Insurance Company's underwriting guidelines they can deny or cancel a policy.

Does a auto insurance policy get canceled when the policy holder dies?

Generally, an auto insurance policy does not automatically cancel upon the policyholders death.The policy will typically continue to provide coverage to the executors of the policyholder's estate until the end of the policy term.

Where can one get Allstate auto insurance quotes?

The best place to get Allstate auto insurance quotes is the Allstate website. One must enter his or her information in order to receive the quote. When can also call Allstate in order to receive auto insurance quotes.

Will Allstate insurance company refund premium if you cancel a landlord's policy?

They will refund any of your unused premium. For example, if you paid $600 in full for the year and you are 2 months into the policy term then they would owe you $100.

If you get hit by AllState policy holder will the check be made out to you?

Do not trust AllState

How do you cancel a auto policy with state farm?

Many many ways to cancel a policy1. Just call them up and cancel over the phone2. Send a signed letter requesting cancellation3. Stop paying the premium and it will cancel by defaultjust a few examples

Will auto insurance company cancel your policy for using a RADAR detector?

They shouldn't, How would they even know?