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Yes, Allstate allows this via email. I was told to include the policy number as well as the effective date for the cancellation.

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Q: Can a person cancel an auto insurance policy via email?
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If you can't get it on-line from their website just call your insurance agent. Your agent will have a copy of your policy in his file and can usually email it to you within 5 minutes or so.

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This site can gather life insurance quotes for you and send them to your email so that you can review each one:

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Dear Life Insurance Co name, RE: Policy number To whom it may concern, Please cancel my life insurance policy effective immediatly. Sincerly, If you are older than 52 I would suggest you sell it rather than just cancle it. I can help. 4LifeGuild It's also a good idea to send an email advising then that you've sent the fax: when I did this, someone replied within an hour with a better, more direct fax number to use.

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It depends who your service provider is. You can often cancel your subscription (if you have one), or simply allow it to lapse. If you are referring to a sent email then that is not possible.

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trying to get information on a policy for a David R. Close policy number 2,135,679. can you assist. Barbara Diasparra email