Generally, an auto insurance policy does not automatically cancel upon the policyholders death.
The policy will typically continue to provide coverage to the executors of the policyholder's estate until the end of the policy term.
Yes. Sounds like you haven't had insurance for a while. You'll probably need non-standard auto.
NO,, GAP Insurance is supposed to pay the difference between what your Auto Policy paid and any remaining portion of your loss after the Auto Insurance Policy has paid it's maximum. If No Auto Insurance Policy is in Place providing comprehensive and collision coverage then your GAP Policy is Null and Void. GAP coverage only pays in conjunction with your Auto Insurance Policy. No Auto Insurance! No Gap Payment
If you carry an SR22 (proof of financial responsibility) on your auto insurance policy, the SR26 is notification sent by your insurance company to the state to let the state know your insurance policy has canceled.
Yes, If you have a lien holder (basically another insured) on your policy. The terms of your contract require the insurer to notify your lien holder 30 days prior to cancellation. If you show the company you have purchased replacement coverage, then they can expedite the cancellation of your policy helping you to avoid double coverage and paying twice during the coverage over lap with the new policy. Giving them a copy of your new policy, Saves "You" money.
Lack of payment or too many collisions the insurance company has to pay for. If you want to cancel your auto insurance policy to go with another company, call your insurance company and tell them you want to cancel your insurance but be ready for them to try to persuade you to stay.
No, because there is not an insurable interest on your part. You can pay for it. But the titleholder of the vehicle is the policy holder.
No, the person will not be reimbursed for taking someone off their insurance immediately.
I don't think you can legally. If your car is still being paid for the lien holder requires the collision insurance.
You can pay for insurance on an auto that is not yours...but the policy must be the titleholder's policy.
I am pretty sure that they can do that I'm a little younger than you probably think so.Hope it helped,Abbey
The amount of coverage and the specifics of coverage will vary from policy to policy. In general liability insurance will cover damages to individuals or entities other than the insured individual. For example, in auto insurance liability insurance will provide for individuals injured in an accident excluding the policy holder.