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The best way to get out of a very bad credit car loan is to pay it off or let the company take back the loaned car if applicable. If someone is having hard time of paying off his or her car debt he or she must ask the help of some consolidating expert.

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Q: How can one get out of a very bad credit car loan?
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Can a person with very bad credit get a car loan if they have a co signer with excellent credit?

Yes they can if they have had another loan with your name and their name.

Can a person with very good credit be affected by a person with bad credit on a car loan?

geeze don't be stupid

How can you finance a car loan if you have bad credit?

You need to check your credit score to make sure your credit is 600 or over if not you have to either put a larger down payment or pay off some debt before buying a car. The interest on a car loan with bad credit can be very high.

Is there a way to trade in your car if your upside down on car loan and you have very very bad credit?

Yes you can, if you have a current loan about let say 10,000 and your car is only worth 5000, the next bad credit loan provider will have to bury 5000 in negative equity. It is possible with a bad credit loan provider, it maybe at a higher interest but you don't have a choice at that moment. If you are located in Canada you can try this resource at good luck.

What are some options for buying a car with bad credit?

There are many options for buying a car with bad credit. Some options for buying a car with bad credit include taking out a loan from a company and taking out a loan from a friend or family member.

Where to refinance car loan if you have very bad credit in 400s?

If you are located in the Toronto area, you can try this resource, they finance bad credit car loans as low as 350. good luck

How can you negotiate on your car loan with bad credit and no money?

If you have bad credit and no money you should not be looking at a loan. Get your life straightened out first. Cars are not required, good credit is.

How to Refinance a car loan with bad credit?

First you should seek out your local bad credit car loan providers, and ask them to provide you the re-financing car loan. In this situation the normal lenders will most likely turn your down.

If you have bad credit will you get approved for a car loan with a cosigner?


Can you still get a car loan even if you have bad credit?

A car loan is considered a personal loan. While bad credit makes it harder to get any loan, individual car dealers decide whether they will allow a car loan with bad credit. A personal loan is an unsecured loan.

Where can one get a car loan with bad credit?

There are many places one can get a car loan with a bad line of credit. There are companies online that offer services in helping with bad credit, some of them include Easy Auto Lenders and Cars Direct.

How can one get a auto loan refinance with a bad credit?

One can get an auto loan refinance with bad credit from several providers of this type of loan from such companies as, Road Loans, Get Me Car Finance and Midland Credit.