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No,? What? Sue your friend? Sue who.? Sue the driver? Which friend do you want to Sue. The driver was At Fault, The owner was likely negligent for letting an unlicensed driver drive his vehicle. but not fully at fault. Likely in a court it would be considered joint liability aka contributory negligence on more than one party. Are you Serious, Sue your friends.? Accidents happen. Sueing your friends sounds like greed to the extreme. What were you doing in the car anyway. this sounds like a big mess. and it sounds like everybody in the vehicle likely contributed to the accident. Unfortunately we live in a society that puts the needs and desires of the one before the good of the whole and seeks to blame anybody but ourselves whenever something goes wrong. Sue the Owners parents for not teaching him not to loan his car out. Sue the driver for not having a license. Sue the other driver for not having insurance, Sue the state police for allowing the vehicle to drive on a public road. Sue God for not setting out specific guidelines on who to blame for our misfortunes.

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Q: Fully insured friends car driver has no licence not on policy hits unisured driver passenger is hurt sue for neglience?
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If two cars are unisured who is at fault?

Fault is determined by the facts, not whether a person is insured or not.

If an insured motorist is at fault and hits an unisured motorist will the insured motorists insurance company pay the expenses of the uninsured person?

Yes, this is because as you stated, the insured driver was at fault. The at fault driver is responsible regardless of the insured status of the person they hit. A good rule of thunb is this,, If they had insurance would I be responsible If the answer is Yes, then the answer is still Yes

Who pays if a driver does not have auto insurance but the passenger does?

for the driver - there will no coverage. For the passenger the same as well. It is your responsibility as a passenger, to be sure that the vehicle you are driving in is INSURED, always.

Can you drive your friends car?

If youare properly insured and licensed to drive, and you have your friends permission then yes, you can drive their car.

Who is liable for damages from an hit-and-run unlicensed driver and the insured owner of the vehicle was the passenger?

Both the Driver and the Owner are liable for the damages. The driver, whether licensed or not is the primarily liable party. The insured passenger owner is secondarily liable for damages by the unlicensed driver he permitted to operate his vehicle.

If a passenger in an auto accident owns a car but doesn't have PIP does the driver's PIP pay damages to the passenger?

The driver or owner will be responsible for the passenger's injuries. The passenger's PIP or medical insurance MAY pay the expenses if the responsible party is not insured, but will sue to recover the expenses.

Would the driver be held liable if a passenger were to open the door and hit another car?

Whomever is insured and owns the car is ultimately responsible for damage caused by passengers. So if the insured is the driver, then your answer is yes.

Who files a claim for a passenger in a car accident?

The company files claim in which you got insured your car, and after a deep verification it reimbursed your compensation.

An insured driver is unknowingly driving an uninsured car and has an accident The owner of the uninsured car is injured Who pays for the uninsured owners injuries?

this is tricky, dependant on the state are driving an uninsured vehicle, you have insurance on another vehicle of your own, you get into an accident that is your fault...the owner of the vehicle is a passenger in the car and is injured...your policy should step in and cover this uninsured vehicle (assuming you have collision coverage on your policy) you chose to drive, (doesn't matter you didn't know it was uninsured) and if your neglience resulted in this passengers injuries your policy will likely pay for their injury subject to any exclusion in the policy.....sorry.....

Can you drive uninsured with a insured licensed driver in the passenger seat?

No, if the other person is driving the uninsured vehicle, then that person is still covered by their own policy. But, if you AND the vehicle are uninsured, then it doesn't matter who's in the passenger seat.

Can an auto insurance co refuse to pay for my car and injury when their insured was at fault just because my registered car was insured under my friends name and not mine in the state of California?

Yes here the car insurance firm can refuse your insurance claim as the car is registered in your friends name and not yours.

If i am a passenger in a car that is not insured and I suffered an accident in that car can i claim uninsured motorist benefits under my parent's policy?

I think. if ur under 18.