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Whomever is insured and owns the car is ultimately responsible for damage caused by passengers. So if the insured is the driver, then your answer is yes.

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Q: Would the driver be held liable if a passenger were to open the door and hit another car?
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Can a passenger in a vehicle sue driver of that vehicle?

Yes. If the passenger is hurt in an accident caused by the driver, the passenger is fully entitled to sue the driver. In fact even if the passenger is a spouse of the driver, the passenger can sue.

Who is liable if a driver of a borrowed car backs into another car in a parking lot and drivers of both cars have misplaced their license and no report was filed?

The driver of the borrowed car, if at fault, would be liable in this case. If no report is filed, either with the police, or their insurance company, most likely no one would be held liable.

Is the passenger at fault when they grab the steering wheel and cause a car to lose control and crash?

It would depend upon the circumstances. If the passenger is a fully functioning adult, then yes, it would likely be the passenger's fault. If, however, the passenger was under the charge of the adult driver (such as a young child, or an adult with diminished mental capacity), then it could be argued that the driver created the circumstances in which the crash was liable to occur by placing the passenger in the front seat, and the driver could therefore be found to be at least partially at fault.

Is a passenger in the offending car liable?

If you're meaning liable for damage in a collision, he would only be liable only if he took control of the car and caused the collision. In vehicle theft, they can be charged with 'aiding and abetting' the driver, being knowingly driven in a stolen car. All depending on local state or country laws.

Is it illegal to ride with an unlicensed driver?

Laws vary from state to state. However, I don't know of anywhere that it is illegal, but it is very irresponsible. If a passenger is in the car when the driver is pulled over for driving without a licence, the passenger may be ticketed or jailed, depending on the state, and the passenger would more than likely get a ride home and nothing more. If you know that the driver of a vehicle is not licensed by the state, you should not ride with that driver. If you are in a car accident, the driver cannot be insured if they are unlicensed, and you could be liable for your hospitalization, ambulance and physician's fees.

Is a driver who rear ended another vehicle liable if the victim left the scene then returned later saying there is damage?

Well, the driver who hit the other vehicle would still be liable, but it would be a matter for insurance to pursue, not the police, since the 2nd driver left the scene. Certainly, leaving the scene creates a window of doubt with regard to the damage, but it's not really enough to get the at-fault driver off the hook.

Who is liable when a car hits a fence?

it would be the driver/owner of the vehicle...the insurance (assuming there is ins) on the vehicle would be liable for the repair to the fence assuming of course that the driver of the vehicle had the owners permission to drive subject to any exclusions in the policy

Who is liable if someone else is driving your car with your consent and hits another car?

Your insurance would be liable. same qusetion but what if the car didn't have any insurance on it? In this case, both the driver and owner are in deep doo-doo. Injured parties will sue both.

What is the right side of the truck passenger or driver?

The right side would be the passenger side in left-hand driver organized vehicles. In right-hand drive-organized vehicles, it would opposite.

Who would be liable if you were driving a friend's vehicle and got into an accident and they did not have insurance?

The driver's insurance would then be considered "secondary," meaning if the owner of the auto didn't have insurance, then if the person driving the car had insurance, they would be liable.

The liable driver was not insured how does the insured victim get money back?

Some insurance company policies cover being hit by an uninsured driver -check you policy. If not then you would have to sue the liable driver personally (only worth doing if you think he/she has any assets to cover the claim and the legal costs).

How can you help a driver when your a passenger?

The passenger can help the driver by doing things that would prevent the driver from taking their eyes off the road. The passenger can reply to text messages, find stations on the radio, set the GPS, or look at maps. They can also do things like keep an eye on exit numbers.