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Yes it does have to cover you

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Q: Does your auto insurance have to cover you if your license is suspended?
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Related questions

Can you sell auto insurance with suspended license?

With a suspended insurance license, I would not because you will be breaking a law. With a suspended drivers license you can sell insurance.

Can you exclude your spouse from your auto insurance in Ohio if their license is suspended?

You can definitely exclude your spouse from your auto insurance. They shouldn't be driving if their license is suspended so they don't need insurance.

Whose auto insurance will cover you if driving another person's car if Im driving on a suspended license?

No insurance company will cover you for driving whilst suspended. Any illegal activity will deem your policy null and void.

Does insurance cover a wreck if your license is suspended?

Insurance and Suspended LicensesYes, If you auto insurance policy was active and in force at the time of your accident then they will cover the losses to the extent and limits of your policy coverage. Bare in mind taht if the Insurance company was not previously aware of your license suspension and depending on the reason they may decide to cancel your policy.AnswerTypically, no. One of the conditions of coverage generally is the existence of a valid driver's license. If the license was suspended but you were nonetheless driving, the insurer may well have a coverage defense.

Can your licenses get suspended with sr-22 insurance?

NO, It's just the opposite. An SR22 Filing does not Get your License Suspended, But rather "Failing to get the SR22 Filing from Your Auto Insurance Company" after a serious violation is what causes your license to get suspended.

Can you get auto insurance in IL if your drivers license is suspended?

Ordinarily an auto insurer will require a valid license as a condition of issuing a liability policy.

Where can you get a quote for non-owner auto insurance if you have had your license suspended for points in Colorado?

== == If you don't have a valid driver's license, you can't get insurance coverage.

Will auto insurance cover you in an accident if you do not have a drivers license?


Get into an accident without a license will your insurance cover it?

If you are covered by an "Active" auto insurance policy then you will be covered, whether or not you have an active drivers license.

How long will your license be suspended for uninsured driver in an accident?

Until you obtain auto insurance and prove to the court that you are now insured.

Can you find out if your license has been suspended in California online or do you have to call or go into the nearest DMV?


How do you obtain a temporary license for someone that needs SR22 insurance?

Their License is suspended because they have not obtained the required SR22 fling from their auto insurance company. All they have to do is buy auto insurance and file the sr22 as well as pay any associated tickets, fines and fees. then their suspension can be lifted.