Normally the other drivers ins should contact you. The first driver listed on an accident report is normally the one At Fault but not always. If you are not contacted within three days it is best to contact your own insurance. Most insurance companies will file a claim, go after the responsible driver and settle the claim. You may be required to pay your deductible in this instance but it should be refunded to you when the other parties insurance makes payment.
If you are NOT at fault you have no responsibility and the vehicles insurance company that is at fault must pay all damages and costs including a rental car. If you are at fault it depends on the vehicles insurance policy if it covers alternate drivers.
We typically contact our insurance company and report the accident and the circumstances. That way the insurance company can pay the bills for you.Answerthe insurance company raises your rates and pay a deductable
If a taxi driver hits you, and its his fault, the cab company's insurance pays.
No, the insurance company when settling the claim will have you sign a waiver of damages for their insured before giving you a check.
ANYBODY needs the mandatory coverage - protects the drivers in the case of at fault
Doubt it. Contact policy services for your company, or your states dept. of insurance.
Not if it is deemed to be 100% the other drivers fault and they have insurance.
You should contact your insurance company and let them know. Your insurance company should take care of the rest.
YOur broker should answer that for you - they would contact the company on your behalf to find out.
If you rearend someone, regardless of road conditions or the other drivers disposition on a drivers lic or insurance, you are still responsible. Not having a license or insurance is a civil matter, not involving insurance company.
I can only speak for Florida because that is where I live and it is a no fault State. In Florida it really would make no difference to you if the other driver did not inform his insurance company of an accident. Really, you would only have to file a claim with your own company and contact his insurance company after the accident. I would just make sure you have the other drivers info so that you can contact them about the accident.
If this happened to me, I would find out what my insurance company can do and from there contact the police or file a civil or small claims suit. None, if the accident wasn't reported to the police.