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Yes, if you have Liability coverage on your policy, then it would provide coverage for the cost of legal defense as well as court judgements rendered against you for whch you are found liable.

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Q: Does property damage liability cover damage to your neighbors property?
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What does property damage liability car insurance cover in an accident?

Property damage liability car insurance will cover the individuals car and property that you hit. It will not cover anything to do with your vehicle if the accident is your fault.

Does liability auto insurance cover your car if you hit a pole?

No. Liability insurance will only cover your liability for property damage/injuries to others. In this case, it would cover the damage to the pole you hit. Your liability coverage will never cover damage to anything you own. You would need collision/comprehensive coverage to cover damage to your car.

Should homeowners insurance cover damage to a neighbor's property?

Your home insurance property coverage portion of your policy would not provide coverage for property of another. However, If you are found liable for damage to your neighbors property your liability coverage would invoke. Most homeowners Insurance policies come as a package with some level of Liability Insurance unless you purchased stand alone property only coverage.

Who is responsible for damage if a neighbors gazebo lands on your home?

the owner of the gazebo if they were negligent the maintenance of it. Your homeowners insurance would cover the damage. However, some insurance companies provide up to $500 for property damage to coverage others absent of liability.

Which auto insurance coverage pays for injury or damage that the insured driver causes to other people or their property?

Bodily injury liability and property damage liability should cover those.

What does the liability portion of auto insurance cover?

Caution Laymans Answer! Basically Liability is to cover damage done to outher people and other peoples property.

When borrowing a pickup and hauling furniture something flew out and damaged truck He only has liability will that cover it or will your insurance have to cover it?

Liability would only cover the insured for his damage to the property of someone else. Your insurance will have to cover the damage to his truck.

Is property damage liability car insurance required?

Property damage liability insurance is to cover the damage you may cause to someone else's property. Different states have different car insurance requirements and regulations. Further, some people get larger property liability insurance coverage than the minimum requirements.

What are the rules or guidelines of PLPD insurance?

PlPD = public liability, property damage, meaning your policy will cover medical and some property damage to a vehicle or property you may have an infraction with

Does all general liability insurance cover damage at depreciated value?

General liability insurance does not provide property coverage, except for 3rd party claims alleging property damage due to the insureds' negligence.

Will property damage liability coverage cover your car for theft and fire?

No, only "comprehensive" coverage would pay for that. Liabiility AKA PLPD AKA property damage and liability ONLY covers other vehicles you may damage in a crash YOU have caused.

What does PLPD car insurance cover you for?

PLPD is public liability and property damage. Property damage provides insurance cover against damage caused by you to the other person's vehicle or building, etc. Public liability insurance covers the occupants of both your and the other vehicle usually to a maximum of $250,000. Note that PL&PD does not cover your vehicle nor you as the driver.