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No. Liability insurance will only cover your liability for property damage/injuries to others. In this case, it would cover the damage to the pole you hit. Your liability coverage will never cover damage to anything you own. You would need collision/comprehensive coverage to cover damage to your car.

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Q: Does liability auto insurance cover your car if you hit a pole?
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Does auto insurance cover telephone pole damage or replacement?

Yes, The liability portion of your auto insurance policy will cover the damages you may do to a telephone pole in an accident.

Does homeowners insurance cover utility poles damaged on your property by a car?

No, You just need to call the utility company. They will take care of their pole. If a car hit the pole, The drivers auto liability insurance could pay the utility pole owner for the cost of repairs.

Does homeowners insurance cover auto damage to non-owners vehicle your property by someone hitting a pole?

Of course NOT. Homeowners Insurance does not cover auto accidents. That's what Auto Insurance is for.

If a car hits a pole on your property does your homeowners insurance cover the vehicle damage?

No, That's what Auto Insurance s for. Now if your home fell on the car it might cover it.

How much does a telephone pole cost in Wichita KS?

If you have full coverage, your auto insurance should cover it.

Will insurance cover damage to a vehicle that was backed into a pole?

As long as you have collision yes insurance will cover the damage that was done.

How would your corporate insurance cover if you rented a vehicle declining rental insurance and vehicle was damaged as it hit a concrete pole without harming the pole?

You would need to check with your corporate insurance, to see what is and is not covered.

If you hit a telephone pole and no damage was done to the pole but you do not report it to the police will insurance still cover it?

Yes, less your deductible. You can call it vandalism.

Can you sue your auto insurance if you wrecked into a telephone pole?

Usually one cannot sue their own company if the accident was a fault of their own. If someone else hit you and caused you to hit the pole, the other person's insurance would be liable.

If you only have liability insurance and hit a pole during a snow storm will the insurance company pay to fix your car?

NO. This is considered weather related and at-fault. Sorry. I'm a broker and I have to tell ppl all the time!

Who is responsible for damages to your vehicle if a friend was driving and hit a telephone pole and he has only liability insurance?

It would depend on which state you reside in to determine the exact answer to your question, however

Would a policy cover damage caused when you hit a pole or a rock?

If you have full coverage it will. If you only have liability, no. Please, always read the policy completely, before signing.