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Depends why the driver lost control - weather incidents are always At Fault. If there is another party involved, this may differ.

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Q: Does auto insurance cover damage of driving into one's property?
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What does property damage liability car insurance cover in an accident?

Property damage liability car insurance will cover the individuals car and property that you hit. It will not cover anything to do with your vehicle if the accident is your fault.

What happens if you wreck a car that you dont insure?

If the vehicle has insurance it will cover damage to the other vehicle but not the one you are driving. Now if you have insurance on another vehicle your insurance will cover the damage to the vehicle that you where driving even though it is not on your policy.

What does home renters insurance cover?

Your home renters insurance will cover you for loss or damage to the property which you own and which is kept within your rental property. Any damage to the actual structure of the building would be covered by the landlord's insurance.

Does home owner insurance cover damage to property that falls from a trailer being towed?

The property is covered by the owners insurance only. If your trailer hit their property, their own insurance must cover it. If your trailer hits your own building, then your insurance will cover it.

Does uninsured auto insurance cover property damage?

If you are uninsured then of course not.

Does homeowners insurance cover a vehicle if it got hailed on while on the property?

No. Homeowners Insurance does not cover Hail damage to an Automobile.Hail damage to an automobile is covered by the vehicles Auto insurance policy. Vehicles are not scheduled property on a homeowners policy.

If you only have PL and PD car insurance what does it cover?

PL and PD car insurance stands for; public liability and property damage. The insurance will cover a loss to an individual, other than yourself, or damage to someone else's property.

Will homeowners cover damage to non owned golfcart if you damage it?

Homeowners insurance is coverage for specified property owned by the named insured. It does not cover the property of others.

Will renters insurance cover sewage pipe backup damage to personal property?

If your renters policy covers Sewer Backup then it will cover damage to personal property.

If a tree does property damage who is liable?

Mother Nature would be the liable party, Unfortunately, she does not carry insurance. If your property is insured, Then your property Insurance Policy will cover the cost of damage repairs.

What happens if I'm driving my friends car and i get into an accident but my license is suspended will her insurance cover the damage?

It all depends on her insurance cover

Does renters insurance cover damage to others property?

No. "Renters Insurance" is property coverge for a tenant. It will cover the property of the named insured Tenant or Renter that is located within the rented dwelling. It will not cover property of someone who is not a named insured on the policy.