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No, every situation is not the same. You can insure any and all persons who have an insurable interest in the property regardless of who is on the deed.

Generally, it is expected that the persons named on the deed would be one primary party of insurable interest.

For proper valid coverage, be sure to properly document and disclose all insured interests on your application.

AnswerNot necessarily. There are many different types of homeowners policies. An HO-4 is a rental homeowners policy that covers just contents and liability. On a regular home situation where you own and live in the home the name on the home doesn't have to be exactly like the deed but the named insured must have an insurable interest in the property and must live in the home.
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Q: Does a homeowners policy have to have the same names that are on the deed?
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A Met Life homeowners policy is a standard homeowners policy and would be the same as most other policies. Damage due to improper workmanship or settling of the home would not be covered on any homeowners policy. Loss must be due to a covered cause in order for the loss to be covered on the policy. Neither of these items are a covered cause.

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Mold is usually excluded from coverage. Read your policy; if same is not excluded, it is included.

Does executor of the estate have to sign the new homeowners insurance policy with the beneficiaries?

As long as the estate is active and has not been probated, the beneficiaries have no interest in the home yet. Another issue here is that if no one is living in the home you cannot buy a homeowners policy on the home. Once the owner died the homeowners insurance is only good for 90 days after the home was no longer occupied, whether or not you are paying for the homeowners policy. The best you will get if it burns is a return of part of your premium. What you need to get is a Dwelling Fire policy and make sure it is listed as vacant. The answer to your question is whoever legally owns the home should sign the application. Once the estate is probated the home transfers ownership them the beneficiaries sign a new application for a homeowners application. To qualify for the homeowners policy the owner and occupant must be the same person or persons.

Is a ho-a insurance policy the same as a ho-3 insurance policy?

No, they are not the same. HOA - Basic Coverage, is a Homeowners Insurance Policy Form "A", Also known as a HO1 policy. The HOA is the most common home Policy Form purchased in the United States. It is usually based on ACV valuation rather than on Replacement valuation in the event of a claim. Although it is generally the most affordable Home Insurance one can buy, it also tends to offer minimum coverages. HO2 - Extended Coverage, Also known as an HOB or Homeowners Policy Form "B" HO3 - Broad Coverage, is also Known as an HOC Policy, Homeowners Insurance Policy Form "C". The HO3 Home Insurance Policy is considered the Cadillac of Homeowners Insurance Policies offered in The United States. It is based on Replacement Coverage valuation and offers the broadest, most expansive coverage available but also is the most expensive.

What water damage will a HO3 homeowners policy cover?

You will need to read the policy. they are not all the same. Water discharge coverage is optional. Contact your insurance agent if your not sure whether you have it or not and what limits are available to you.

If I have an oceanfront property that is destroyed by wind and waves from a hurricane and have no flood insurance will my homeowners policy cover it?

you would need to prove wind damages - consider hiring an engineer. Waves is the same as flood and excluded by homeowners insurance.

Is there a deductible for Personal liability Insurance on a homeowners policy?

Your applicable deductibles are listed in your Insurance Policy. If you have difficulty reading your policy just contact your insurance agent for clarification. All Policies are not the same so it just depends on the coverages and deductibles you requested when you purchased your insurance.

Is a warranty deed the same as a conveyance deed?

Yes. A warranty deed is a deed of conveyance.Yes. A warranty deed is a deed of conveyance.Yes. A warranty deed is a deed of conveyance.Yes. A warranty deed is a deed of conveyance.

Can you get insurance on a house under construction?

Yes, Coverage is available under a builders risk policy. If your home is just going through remodel, it may be possible for homeowners insurance to continue during construction, if not you will have to purchase builders risk as mentioned above. Have your homeowners insurance agent confirm with the carrier, the same agent can probably do the builders risk policy for you.

Are air conditioners covered by homeowners insurance?

Yes, Your air conditioner for your home is covered for the same perils as the rest of your home structure for covered perils such as Fire, Wind, Hail etc. It is not however covered for normal wear and tear or expected maintenance. See your home insurance policy or talk with your insurance agent about the covered perils you selected for your homeowners insurance policy.

Can you get combined car and bike insurance?

This is very rare because an auto policy and a motorcycle policy are two different policies. I cannot think of any company that will put a car and motorcycle on the same policy. They may issue separate policies and bill them together on a list billing like some do with an auto and homeowners policy but I have never seen a motorcycle on a automobile policy.