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The Driver is the primarily responsible party, however, Both can be held liable depending on the circumstances.

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Q: Do you sue the driver of the car or the owner of the car?
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If you drive a car and have accident who is responsible you or the owner of the car?

Both the driver and owner of vehicle are responsible. The injured party would sue you both.

What can i do if the owner of a insured car hit my car but the driver is not covered?

Sue him if he hit your car and cant cover it. That is his fault for hitting you.

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The owner of the car that was wrongly parked still has the ability to sue. They should get the other driver's information and file a claim on their lawsuit.

How can i find out if a car was insured?

Typically you ask the driver or owner of the car. Insurance policies and related information are not considered public information. You have to ask for the info or sue for it.

What happens if you have an accident with an uninsured driver?

Generally, you are left holding the bag. Your own insurance has to cover the damages to your car and any personal injury. You could sue the driver of the other car, or the owner of the other car--if they actually stick around.

How can you get liability insurance coverage for a person trying to get their license using your car and you already have coverage?

You just contact your insurer and add the new driver to your insurance policy. Otherwise you are allowing an un-insured driver to operate your vehicle.Bear in mind that a claimant can sue both the driver and the owner of the vehicle if they have been injured in an accident. They can sue the driver because he was thr direct cause of the accident. They can sue the owner for negligence because he allowed the un-insured driver to operate the vehicle.

Can an insurance company sue the owner of the uninsured vehicle?

If it is your car, get insurence. If it is not, sue them.

If you are hit by a unlicensed driver on a permit driving another person's car that had liability insurance can you sue the owner or the insurance company for your injuries?

Yes, without a doubt. The owner bares the true responsibility.

If an insured driver with permission from an insured car's owner gets into an accident will the driver or the owner be responsible for payments?

the owner of the car with insurance will be responsible

Who pays when driver is not the car owner but has car insurance?

Usually the insurance policy of the owner of the car is primary and then if the driver of the car has a policy of their own then it is secondary.

Who gets the Nascar sponsor the driver or the car's owner?

the owner but the driver is who endorses that company

Who do you sue in a three car accident?

the driver at fault