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You just contact your insurer and add the new driver to your insurance policy. Otherwise you are allowing an un-insured driver to operate your vehicle.

Bear in mind that a claimant can sue both the driver and the owner of the vehicle if they have been injured in an accident. They can sue the driver because he was thr direct cause of the accident. They can sue the owner for negligence because he allowed the un-insured driver to operate the vehicle.

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Q: How can you get liability insurance coverage for a person trying to get their license using your car and you already have coverage?
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Related questions

Will your car insurance cover the losses of the other car if driver of the other car has no license?

Yes, it will. The fact that the other driver had no license has nothing to do with coverage and liability.

What is the penalty for not having liability insurance?

The penalty for not having liability insurance varies by state, but common consequences include fines, license suspension, and vehicle impoundment. It is illegal to drive without liability insurance in most states, so it is important to have coverage to avoid these penalties.

What do I need to study for business liability insurance license?

To prepare for a business liability insurance license, you should study concepts related to insurance laws and regulations, types of business liability coverage, policy terms and conditions, claims management, risk assessment, and ethics in insurance. It's also recommended to review sample exam questions and study guides specific to your state's requirements.

How do you buy auto insurance without a licence or car?

A driver's license or a learner's permit is necessary in order to buy liability insurance. The insurer's underwriting of the risk is dependent upon some minimum showing of the ability of the applicant to operate the vehicle, and a license evidences that. It is not necessary to own a car in order to obtain liability coverage. Most insurers will sell a liability insurance product that is generically referred to as "non-owners coverage". This sort of policy is tied to the person who purchases it and provides liability coverage for him/her regardless of the vehicle being operated. Other kinds of auto insurance, such as collision and comprehensive coverage require that the person purchasing it have an "insurable interest" in the vehicle. This means that he/she has a financial stake in the continued existence/condition of the vehicle.

What type of coverage does a self employed hair stylist need?

A self-employed (or independent contractor) hair stylist should have personal liability insurance and a business license.

Can a licensed driver with valid Texas license obtain liability auto coverage in Texas?

Anyone over the age of 18 can buy autom insurance in Texas, licensed or not.

Will liability insurance cover a bride and groom who serve alcohol at a reception that is not catered by a company with a liquor license?

I doubt it, were I you, I would check this with whatever company you are purchasing this event coverage from.

What is a 220 florida insurance license?

A 220 Florida insurance license is a general lines agent license. It gives the license holder the legal right to sell property and liability insurance.

Can you buy liability insurance without a drivers license in Texas?

It depends on what type of liability insurance you need. Contact an agent in your area.

What is automobile liability insurance coverage?

Automobile liability insurance coverage is one of several types of autobile coverage. It is required by the law of most US jurisdictions in order to register a vehicle for operation on public highways. It is often also required to be shown as a condition of obtaining a driver's license. Automobile liability insurance is intended to cover the negligent acts or omissions of a driver in the operation of the covered motor vehicle. Depending upon whether it is property damage liability coverage, bodily injury liability coverage, or both, it generally covers the correlating kind of damage sustained by the person who was not at fault. In that sense, it is considered to be "third-party" coverage in that it does not pay for the damages sustained by the insured person. Another aspect of automobile liability coverage is that if the aggrieved party makes a claim against the insured, such as by filing suit, the liability insurer defends the insured by retaining an attorney to defend the insured. The insurer pays the attorney, but also has the right to control the defense, including by settling the claim.

Can you get your license before insurance?

Yes you can. In fact, you would need your licence to get insurance coverage.

Where can you get a quote for non-owner auto insurance if you have had your license suspended for points in Colorado?

== == If you don't have a valid driver's license, you can't get insurance coverage.