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Generally an 18 year old is an adult and it his their responsibility to carry insurance on his own vehicle.

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Q: Do you need to carry auto insurance on your 18 year old if he has his own policy on his own vehicle in the state of NC?
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Can a sibling living in the same state as another sibling carry that sibling under their auto insurance policy?

You can carry anyone on your policy if the vehicle is in your name.

Can you register for insurance for a vehicle in another state?

You should take the policy out in the state the vehicle 'resides' in.

What is a sr26?

If you carry an SR22 (proof of financial responsibility) on your auto insurance policy, the SR26 is notification sent by your insurance company to the state to let the state know your insurance policy has canceled.

In the state of Colorado is it against the law to purchase a vehicle for a family member to drive if you carry the insurance and they are named on the policy?

So long as the owner knows his responsibility as the vehicle owner and makes sure all drivers are listed on the policy then there is no problem.

Can I keep my auto insurance when I move?

If you are in the process of moving within the state, you will be allowed to keep your auto insurance. While you can keep the same insurance policy within the state you will be required to change your address which can affect your rates depending on the claims reported in your zip code. If you are moving out of state, you will be required to change insurance to a policy that is rated in the new state. DMV and financial responsibility laws require drivers to carry insurance in the state in which they are a legal resident. When you register your vehicle in the state you will be required to show proof of insurance in that state and you will also be required to carry at least the state minimums in liability insurance coverage.

Do you need insurance to drive sons car?

Yes. The vehicle must be insured. This is not to say that you have to carry a separate policy. As long as your son have coverage you can be added as a driver on his policy and it probably will not cost anything to add you as long as you have a clean driving record. The policy must be in name of the person who owns the vehicle. This is very important. Insurance laws vary from state to state so you want to verify that no additional requirements exist in your state.

Does your auto insurance cover your driving out of state?

If you are travelling out of state, your auto insurance will extend to provide coverage in the states you are travelling to. If you are relocating, you will need to purchase insurance in your new state at the time you register your vehicle. Extended coverages between states will provide the same limits of liability you carry on your policy unless they do not meet state minimum requirements. If they do not meet state minimum requirements, the policy will automatically raise the limits while you are travelling if you have a claim.

Will insurance cover the car i hit if im not on policy?

It depends on the state, policy, and company. Some will if you were an authorized driver of the vehicle and you had an accident.

Do I need a used car Georgia insurance policy if my car is not running?

No, car insurance is not required in the state of Georgia for a vehicle that is not drivable.

Does your insurance policy follow you if driving someone elses car?

No, in the state of Mass where i am from, the insurance is covered for your car only. It will not follow you if you choose to drive another vehicle. You may want to check the state your are in if this is different, as they may have a different type of policy you can purchase that will cover you. With my experience, the only insurance you have is your health insurance if you are driving another persons vehicle.

If my car was stolen out of state is it covered?

If you have theft insurance with your policy, yes. It should not matter where your vehicle was stolen.

Do you need auto insurance when you have a learner's permit in the state of Florida?

Anybody, regardless of age, operating a motor vehicle in the State of Florida needs a policy of liability insurance.