If the car has an active registration, most companies will make you add it to your policy, since it could be driven. If you don't want to insure it, you can cancel the registration on it, but keep in mind that car insurance has different coverages that protect different things. For example, if your car is stolen and you don't have insurance, you won't get any money on it.
The cost of insurance is generally calculated by the risk it covers. This means that if you're not driving the car much, there's not much chance it will cause damage, so the insurance should be pretty cheap for it. Use an independent insurance website to compare car insurance and see how much it will cost to insure a car you rarely drive.
When it's a self-driven car, you need license to get car insurance from any insurance company.
If the car is still going to be driven, then yes it does need insurance.
If it is completely off the road you do not need to pay insurance. But do not move it one inch on a public road!
Why would you need insurance if your car isn't going to be driven on public streets? Now... if you plan on preserving your car as a collectors item or the like... you can add it to your home insurance. Car insurance companies aren't going to insure a car that isn't being driven - if you have a collection at your home, it'll go under your home-owners insurance. ANC, esq.
In most states, anyone who drives a car needs to be listed on the insurance. If an accident were to occur then the husband could be liable for allowing the car to be driven without insurance.
If you want to keep it registered and keep the plates, yes.
if car was driven by storage employee or anyone who is affliated with storage facility. Yes, it will be convered by their insurance. However, if the vehical was driven by a owner, his or her car insurance company will be responsible. best way to resolve this issue, contact your insurance agent or provider! asian623 http://www.myspace.com/scionturboracing
Classic car insurance is for vintage vehicles of a certain age and driven by owners of a required age. These vehicles are usually driven for show purposes.
Insurance is purchased for the car, not the driver. Until the car has been insured it cannot be driven by anyone. Note that most states do allow a short grace period after you purchase a car in which it can be driven without insurance to let you purchase insurance and handle title/registration paperwork. This grace period does not apply to a car that you have either allowed the insurance to lapse or have removed its insurance. If you already have another car insured (which it appears you do) and wish to drive a car that is not currently insured, contact your insurance agent and have them temporarily transfer the policy to the other car.
The insurance is on the DRIVER as well as the car driven. So, the answer is Yes.
You need car insurance if you drive a car. If you want to drive a mates car but your already insured you also need to have insurance to drive your mates car. However, if you do not plan to drive the car you do not need car insurance, if the car is not going to be driven you could also take the car off road and their will be no need to pay road tax for it, as long as the car is not on the road. The penalty's for driving without insurance is 6 points, £120 fine and you could also get your car impounded as well as, getting your licence revoked by the DVLA. I think all user used only reliable service for Car Insurance to cover all your auto insurance and no hidden policy. i am also a auto car insurance provider so if any user want car insurance with reliable company visit my website any concern my expert. very-cheap-car-insurance.co.uk
If you OWN a car it can be insured.If it is to be driven it must be registered correctly for the insurance to be validI have an antique sports car that has not been driven or registered for two years, but it is insured.