

Best Answer

Its a smart thing to do!

Its also very nice as well!

Shows them that u care enough to have the people u trust with ur life, have your teenagers back too!

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Q: Do you have to put your teenager on your car insurance?
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Where can a teen get car insurance?

It is very difficult and expensive for a teenager to get car insurance. The easiest way to get it is to be put on your parents' insurance and pay them the added insurance cost out of your wages.

Where can one purchase car insurance for teenagers?

If you are needing to purchase car insurance for a teenager, it is best to call your current insurance company and have the teenager added on to your current policy.

Does car insurance goes high if the car is owned by a teenager?


Will insurance company cover damage to parents car when unlicensed teenager crashes?

No. Unless you had the teenager on your policy, but at the same time you knew that the teenager was unlicensed! So, get the teenager licensed and put him on your ins. policy and then teach him how to driver safely and not crash.

Where can one purchase car insurance for a teenager?

One can purchase car insurance for a teenager at almost all car insurance providers. The rates between different providers may be different. Some providers include Geico and Nationwide.

How much insurance is for a teenager that has a sports car?

i do not have a driving licence but ca i insure a car

Would insurance be expensive for a new car for a teenager?

Oh yes

If a teenager crashes their parent's car will their auto insurance rates increase?


When does a teenager need car insurance?

They should get car insurance whenever they get a car, because if you wait, your taking chances of not having insurance, if you get in a reck! ya im getting a car soon, and you should get it rite when you get your car, you will be very happy you did

Insurance on a Collector Car?

Yes, you can put classic car insurance on the car. Hagerty is the best classic car insurance company to choose.

Can you be put under your moms car insurance with only a permit?

Yes, you can be put on car insurance as soon as you start driving.

Who had the best car insurance rated for teenager drivers?

The car insurance company, Nation Wide, offers the highest rated teenage car insurance on the market. The company prides themselves in making sure each driving teen is safe.