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Absolutely, or else they would pay for every roof in America, then go bankrupt.

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Q: Can your insurance company deny claim for damage to roof due to poor workmanship by original roofer?
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If an insurance company has a contractor do a job that includes poor workmanship will the insurance company be liable for any future damage due to the poor workmanship?

This depends on what your local or state law allows. If an insurance company direct the work of a contractor, there may be a liability issue , which depends on the argument of the law in your state.

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If the insurance is in effect when the damage occurred, the lack of registration shouldn't matter.

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If you purchased the rental company's insurance option then the rental company's insurance is responsible. If you did not purchase the insurance option, then YOUR insurance is responsible.

What should you do when a biker runs into your car and does damage?

Contact your insurance company to see if they can repair your damage for free and get the bikers insurance details and their name and adddress if your insurance needs them.

How do you proceed with insurance in a single car accident with no injuries no property damage just damage to my car?

Call your insurance company and get a claim started.

What exactly is an insurance company?

An insurance company offers insurance or protection to the public. For instance, if you want to protect your home from theft, fire and other types of damage you would purchase insurance.

What type of insurance is sold by the Great American Insurance Company?

The Great American Insurance Company specializes in property insurance and casualty insurance for companies. These insurance types protect the companies from property damage and legal fees.

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towing company should have insurance

Can an insurance company pay to replace only a portion of a roof after hail damage?

Probably only if you have full coverage. Otherwise the Insurance company will deny you.

What are car insurance laws in California if someone hits me and they are at fault?

They or their insurance company needs to pay for damage and medical bills in the accident. If they don't have insurance, they can still be sued for the accident by the victims insurance company.