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good way to get hit with an insurance fraud charge

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Q: Does your home insurance cover damage if you claim for the same damage but with another insurance company before?
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How long do you have before you need to call the insurance company if you hit a parked car and the damage is minor?

How "minor" the damage is has nothing to do with it, in the eyes of the law. You are obligated to call the insurance company immediately to protect your own legal position.

Will your insurance company pay for your damage if you have insurance but no valid registration?

If the insurance is in effect when the damage occurred, the lack of registration shouldn't matter.

Are tere more than one kind of pl and pd insurance for your car?

PLPD Insurance is personal liability and property damage insurance. This is an economical type of insurance where the insurance company will pay for repairs and damage done on another persons vehicle if you were found to be at fault in the car accident. There are different levels, or kinds, of this insurance.

Will a claim you retract before you make repairs still be shown as an accident or affect your premium?

If the only damage is to your car and the accident did not result in any property damage to anyone else then you can refuse payment and close the claim without settlement and should be able to avoid any negative impact on your rates. If on the other hand there is damage to another vehicle or property that will be paid by your insurance company then you might as well take what you can from your insurance company for your vehicle.

What do you do if your insurance wont pay for damage after a storm you have homeowners insurance but the insurance company is in dispute of the ammount of damage?


Can you take back a claim once you submitted it to the insurance company?

You can take back a claim for damage to your own property. You can't take back a claim where you are liable for damage to another party.

What is it called when one insurance company is repaid by another insurance company?

Subrogation, It's basically when an insured's insurance carrier pays for the damage done to their vehicle, even though it was the other parties fault. The insured's carrier will then go after the other parties carrier for reimbursement.

Will insurance cover an after market exhaust?

Some insurance companies will cover after market modifications, but you have to contact them and register the item with them before damage is done. The best way to determine whether you are covered is to inquire with your insurance company.

Who is responsible for damage from car wreck in rental car?

If you purchased the rental company's insurance option then the rental company's insurance is responsible. If you did not purchase the insurance option, then YOUR insurance is responsible.

What should you do when a biker runs into your car and does damage?

Contact your insurance company to see if they can repair your damage for free and get the bikers insurance details and their name and adddress if your insurance needs them.

Who is responsible if using another's vehicle whose insurance lapsed?

The person driving the vehicle. You borrowed the vehicle so any damage is your responsibly to fix. In almost all cases your insurance covers you if you must borrow another car. Check with your insurance company to be sure.

How do you proceed with insurance in a single car accident with no injuries no property damage just damage to my car?

Call your insurance company and get a claim started.