It would be your fault, so your insurance company will pay. Unless of course, you have no insurance or you flee then his/her "no-fault" insurance would pay for the damage.
His insurance is not valid BUTWhere I live is insurance company is required by law to pay for the damage he caused and then they may sue him for the money.
Let your insurance company handle it. They do it all the time.
tell your insurance company and the police and your insurance company will pay everything except the deductible. If you have full coverage than your insurance is required to make good on the damage. It is up to your insurance company to try and get their money back from the uninsured driver of the other vehicle.
Of course not.
No, you will still be responsible for any damage you did to the parked car.
If you hit a parked car, the deductible applies to your vehicle, not the parked car. The other vehicle is covered by your liability coverage and there is no deductible attached. You pay the deductible on the repairs to your vehicle, usually to the shop after the work is completed, the insurance company handles the balance directly.
Call them and their insurance company.
If you know who hit your car, and they have insurance, then, yes, they should pay for it, so long as you were not parked illegally. Let YOUR insurance company handle this for you. That's what you pay them for.
Auto insurance
Several things can happen. Allowing you parked legally other than insurance: the person who hit your parked car is responsible to pay damage. If you were parked on private property the lack of insurance means nothing. If you were parked on a public road or public parking lot you could be on the hook for a ticket for uninsured vehicle, but the other guy should pay anyway. Don't admit to driving with out insurance!