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This can be a complicated question. Your boyfriend can and should be listed on your policy as a driver if he lives with you or if he drives your vehicle even just sometimes. A vehicle titled to him cannot be added to your insurance policy under any circumstances and this is because you cannot insure a vehicle you do not own. Even if you live together you must still have separate insurance policies if you each own your own vehicle. If you live together or drive each others vehicle each of you should still be listed as drivers on the others policy.

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Q: Can your boyfriend be covered under your car insurance?
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Is your car covered if the driver does not have insurance?

If you have insurance on a car anyone who you give permission to drive the vehicle is covered under your insurance. This is normally covered when insurance companies ask if there will be any other drivers for the vehicle.

I drove my boyfriends car and got in an accident and I was at fault.I realized his car insurance was not switched over to his new car Can my insurance kick in at this point to pay for the damages?

My boyfriend crashed my car which was under my parents policy and b/c we lived together, his insurance picked up and covered the damages.

Can your girlfriend be covered under your policy if she has no car insurance?


If you are listed under your boyfriend's auto policy as a driver can you add the car you own to his auto insurance coverage or does he have to own the vehicle?

If you are listed as a friver you should be covered under his insurance which means you should be able to add your vehicle as wee.

If I'm covered under my father's insurance can I drive my mother's car?

Car insurance is usually for a specific car. So if you are covered to drive your fathers car that would not apply to your mothers car.

What car damages are covered under the cheap car insurance cover?

The only car damages covered under the cheap car insurance coverage is liability insurance. Damages are usually covered up to $5,000.00 for the cheapest automobile coverage available. Liability covers physical damage. Most cheap car insurances do not cover car damages.

Can a car be in my name and be covered under my daughters insurance policy?

Yes it can.

If your daughter is not a resident of your household but is named on your insurance how involved ar you if she drives her boyfriend's car?

I'm not sure I understand the question. If her boyfriend has insurance, then she is covered under his policy as long as she had permission to drive his car. As far as your liability if she has an accident, it all depends on the extent of the accident and if a law auit is filed for more than her boyfriend's policy limit. Then there could be potential to attack your insurance policy which names her as a driver.

If your boyfriend wrecks your car is he covered?

Whether or not someone is covered under your insurance policy in the event of an accident should be outlined in your individual policy. Insurance coverages also vary from state to state and the type of limitations on the individual policy could also be a deciding factor on if someone was covered while driving.

Why is your boyfriend's car insurance company asking for a copy of your own car insurance declaration's page and drivers' license number and date of birth and name?

Because they have found that you both are at the same address and your boyfriend has not scheduled you as a covered driver on his insurance policy. All auto insurance contracts require disclosure of other household members and that the insured declare these other household members as covered or not.

If your husband has his own insurance for his vehicle and you exclude him the insurance on your car will he be covered by his insurance if he was driving your car and had an accident?

You have to list the drivers covered to drive your car on the policy. If not he is not covered.

Does car insurance cover personal contents?

Car insurance normally does not cover personal content that is not attached to the car. Your car stereo is covered (if it is installed) your iPod is not, nor are your CD's etc... They would however be covered on your home owners insurance, even while in your car. Well not 100%... if you live in Ontario and you get into a NOT AT Fault accident then your contents will be covered under DCPD. other then that no.. home insurance.