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You need to be more specific about where the loss occurred. If it happened in a no-fault jurisdiction, your right to sue is typically more limited than in a tort jurisdiction.

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Q: Can you sue an insured person in an auto accident if they were at fault?
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In California if you do not have auto insurance and you are involved in an accident that is not your fault does the insured at fault have to pay your medical and or pain and suffering?

California law restricts owners and operators of motor vehicles injured in a motor vehicle accident from recovering compensation for pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement, and other non-pecuniary damages if the injured person was not insured at the time of the accident

What is a person called that causes an auto accident because they backed out of there driveway?

At fault driver

Who is responsible for damage to fence on highway after an accident?

The insured found at fault would have to pay for the fence. This coverage is included in the liability property damage portion of an auto policy.

Who is at fault in an auto accident when someone runs a stop sign and causes the person that had the right of way to collide into another car?

The person who ran the stop sign is at fault

Which state's auto insurance laws apply if a person is insured in the state where they reside but has an accident in another state?

The state where the policy was written.

Can you go after the auto insurance co of your employer if your involved in an auto accident in your work vehicle and it was your fault?

Yes. If it's a company car and is insured through your employer, the employer's insurance company would pay out the claim. The accident would still show up on your record though.

Can you sue if at fault in a auto accident?

Ask a lawyer about it.

Should I pay for auto accident out of pocket?

No way! Do you have insurance? Does the other person? Who's fault? trade insurance info with the other person.

What does Florida no fault mean?

a judge in an American court makes the decision as to who is at fault for an auto accident. some states have "no fault" meaning in an accident all parties involved are given a percentage of the accident's fault

How can you find someone's auto insurance policy?

You can't unless they tell you who they are insured with. Who a person is insured with or even if they have insurance is a private matter between the insured and the insurance company. Now, if there is an accident and the police come to the scene they will collect that information and put it in the accident report. This is why it is crucial to always call the police to the scene of the accident no matter how much the other person begs to give them a break. Always, always!!! call the police to the scene of an accident. The exception is if the accident is on private property.

What can happen if after an At Fault accident the auto is totaled and you choose to cancel the insurance because you will not drive again and there are personal injury claims not settled?

If you were insured at the time of the accident, your insurance should pay up to the amount stated on your policy. It does not matter if you still have the insurance now. It is important that you had it on the daye of the accident.

Can you be sued in an auto accident when neither vehicle was insured?

Yes, of course you can be sued for anything...The fact that neither vehicle wasn't insured does not obsolve the 'at fault' party from being responsible for the damage they caused to the 'innocent'.. (subject to state laws of course regarding recovery by an uninsured)