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Yes. If it's a company car and is insured through your employer, the employer's insurance company would pay out the claim. The accident would still show up on your record though.

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Q: Can you go after the auto insurance co of your employer if your involved in an auto accident in your work vehicle and it was your fault?
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Would insurance cover the accident if you were in an accident but were not on the insurance policy but you had your own vehicle and insurance on it?

If the car that was involved, in an acident was insured yea!

You have no car insurance and are involved in an accident that is not your fault does their insurance still pay for damages to your vehicle?


Is your insurance liable if your vehicle wasn't involved in a fatal accident?

If you were driving someone elses vehicle and involved in an accident whether it be fatal or not then the person who owns the vehicle should have insurance on it and then the accident would be covered on that policy but if it goes over the amount that they have then its possible for yours to kick in and pay any extra.

What is liability coverage on auto insurance?

This means that if the accident was your fault, your insurance will pay(up to an amount that is on your policy) for the other property and persons involved in the accident. Liability insurance does NOT cover your vehicle damage.

Will my car insurance be affected if I am a named driver on someone else's insurance and they need to claim their insurance?

No. As long as you were not involved in the accident then it shouldn't affect your driving record. You must also not be the owner of the vehicle that was involved in the claim.

Is vehicle insurance a waste of money?

Vehicle insurance is one of the most important things a driver can buy. Without insurance, some drivers involved in an accident can be stuck with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damages that they have to pay.

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What is the collision coverage?

That is the part of your insurance that pays for damage to your vehicle, when you are at fault, if you are involved in an accident. This is coverage would need to be purchased in addition to your regular liability insurance.

If a vehicle that has been stolen is involved in a car accident and is at fault whose insurance will cover the damage to the second vehicle?

The second vehicle will be covered by it's own insurance. That company will then attempt to sue the driver to recoup it's losses

Will homeowner's insurance cover a vehicle accident for the passenger injured?

NO, that's what the vehicle insurance is for.

Does your insurance cover you to drive a car that has no insurance?

Your personal auto insurance will be secondary to the insurance of the vehicle that you are driving (assuming you do not own it and it is not a business vehicle). If you get involved in a car accident while you are operating a vehicle that is -not- yours, then the insurance of that vehicle has to pay first, and if that insurance is not enough (or is not there) then your insurance will kick in. Notice that if you get pulled over by police they will ask you to show proof of insurance on the vehicle (not your insurance.) The law requires all vehicles to be insured, not individuals.

What if someone holding motor trade insurance gets involved in an accident on car not owned by them?

If someone owns a motor trade insurance policy and gets involved in an accident on vehicle not owned by them, if its their fault, they go through their own insurance and car owners insurance doesn't get involved. If its not their fault, they claim against third party insurers. Most of the time the vehicle repair cost gets given to the car owner but if motor trade insurance holder has bought the vehicle but hasn't transferred the ownership onto their name, they then need to provide some sort of proof that they purchased the vehicle, with previous owners confirmation.